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Yet another jQuery tooltip plugin for attaching highly customizable tooltips to any DOM elements with fadeIn / fadeOut effects based on jQuery animations.


#TtT Title to Tooltip - a tooltip plugin for jQuery

Small jQuery plug-in which adds a customizable tool-tip to the selected set. To use, simply call the function TtT on a jQuery object (ie: $("div").TtT()).

###Options There are several options which can be passed to TtT() as an object:

fadeTime (number, default 500): The time (in milliseconds) that it takes for the tool-tip to fade in and out.

delay (float, default 500) The time (in milliseconds) to delay before opening the tooltip.

attrName (string, default "title"): The name of the attribute to draw the tool-tip text from.

removeAttr (bool, default true): If true, the existing attribute will be removed after its value has been captured. In the case of "title", this keeps the alt-text from popping up.

className (string, default "TtT"): The class name to apply to the tool-tip.

delay (number, default 500): The delay (in milliseconds) before a tool-tip is displayed.

drawPointer (bool, default false): If true, a styleable element will be drawn at the top of the tool-tip which can be used to point to the element in question.

pointerClassName (string, default "TtTpointer"): The class name to apply to the pointer.

text (string|function, default N/A): If "text" parameter is provided, tooltip content is taken from there and not from attribute. Attribute parameters (removeAttr, attrName) are ignored. Can be either a string (static value for every hover) or a function (evaluated on hover).

Some suggestions:

  • Both the pointer and the tool-tip should have their "position" set to "absolute" in your CSS.
  • You may want to consider setting "pointer-events" to "none" for both the pointer and tool-tip.
  • TtT sets position using "left" and "top". If your tooltip is not exactly where you'd like it to be, it can be adjusted using "margin".
  • If you're using the "title" attribute to source your text, you should probably keep "removeAttr" set to true, else both the TtT tool-tip, and the alt-text will be displayed.
  • You can use HTML in your tooltips! Just write it into the attribute you're using. Remember to escape any reserved XML characters which you do want to keep!

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