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jsNoteEditor is a simple, dynamic, draggable, client-side Music Notation Editor to create orchestrations of up to eight staves. Built using jQuery and jQuery UI draggable function.



jQuery plugin for simple one-voice music notes editing.

This plugin adds a simple music note editor onto your web page.


Demo is available here.


First create en empty DIV element on your HTML page, like this:

    <div class="noteeditor"></div> 

Then apply this plugin to it:

    var ne_elems = $('.noteeditor').noteEditor(); 


The plugin has some functions. They are available like this:

	var ne = ne_elems.eq(0); // we'll take only the first element  	ne.func('function_name', arguments); 


Returns melody object. Melody object is a javascript object of the following format:

var obj = { 	"meta": {}, 	"notes": [ list_of_notes ] } 

"meta" element is an empty object. It's reserved for farther development.

"notes" element is a list of note objects. Each note is an object having following elements:

  • "element_type" — can be "note" or "rest".
  • "octave" — octave number. First octave has number 0.
  • "staffSteps" — number of steps on the note staff from note C of the octave 0.
  • "notePos" — note position in octave. This doesn't takes into account note alterations. E.g. note C has position 0, D — 1, D# — 1.
  • "duration" — musical duration of the note. E.g. 1 means whole note, 2 — halfnote, 4 — quarter note etc.
  • "alter" — note alteration. Can be empty string, "sharp" for sharp note or "bemol" for flat note.
  • "dotted" — indicates whether note is dotted or not. Can be true or false.
  • "note_id" — note ID. Note C of the octave 0 has ID 0. Each half tone up increments ID by one, each half tone down decrements ID by one. E.g. C0 has ID 0, C#0 has ID 1, B-1 has ID -1.
  • "lyrics" — lyric text corresponding to this note.
  • "tabs" — tabs text corresponding to this note. This element is optional.

So we can get some thing like this:

	{ 		"meta": {}, 		"notes": [ 			{"element_type":"note","octave":0,"staffSteps":3,"notePos":3,"duration":8,"alter":"","dotted":false,"note_id":5,"lyrics":"Some","tabs":"(5)"}, 			{"element_type":"rest","octave":0,"staffSteps":4,"notePos":4,"duration":1,"alter":"","dotted":false,"note_id":7,"lyrics":"","tabs":""}, 			{"element_type":"note","octave":0,"staffSteps":2,"notePos":2,"duration":8,"alter":"","dotted":false,"note_id":4,"lyrics":"","tabs":"5"}, 			{"element_type":"note","octave":0,"staffSteps":1,"notePos":1,"duration":8,"alter":"","dotted":false,"note_id":2,"lyrics":"song","tabs":"(4)"}, 			{"element_type":"note","octave":-1,"staffSteps":-1,"notePos":6,"duration":8,"alter":"bemol","dotted":false,"note_id":-2,"lyrics":"","tabs":"(3)'"}, 			{"element_type":"note","octave":0,"staffSteps":0,"notePos":0,"duration":8,"alter":"","dotted":false,"note_id":0,"lyrics":"lyrics","tabs":"4"} 		] 	} 


Returns melody object in JSON format.


Returns melody in abc notation (visit http://abcnotation.com for more information).


Imports melody from JSON.


ne.func('importFromJSONString', melody_json); 


There is only one possible option yet — "lang". Sets the language of the hints. Can be "en" or "ru". "en" is a default value. Example: var ne_elems = $('.noteeditor').noteEditor({lang: 'ru'});


  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI


Note symbols are based on note symbols by jaschon (https://openclipart.org/user-detail/jaschon)

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