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A simple, responsive, cross-browser jQuery slider/slideshow plugin that uses CSS3 for the smooth slide or fade transition between inner content.



Simple Slide-Show

A simple responsive slide-show.

Support: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9+. Browsers that do not support CSS3 drop transition effects but retain basic slider functionality.


Include the Simple Slide-Show stylesheet and script.

<!-- Simple Slide-Show Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="simple-slide-show/simple-slide-show.css">  <!-- Simple Slide-Show Script --> <script src="simple-slide-show/simple-slide-show.js"></script>

Slides are list items wrapped in a container element. Each list item contains a figure element that wraps slide content. This figure element can take a background style for full-slide images.

The simple-slide-show class on the container is not mandatory in your layout code, but will be added automatically to the container by the script if not already present.

<div class="simple-slide-show">   <ul>     <li>       <figure>         <p>First Slide</p>       </figure>     </li>     <li>       <figure>         <p>Second Slide</p>       </figure>     </li>     <li>       <figure>         <p>Third Slide</p>       </figure>     </li>   </ul> </div>

Initialize the plugin on the slide-show container.

// jQuery (1.7+) with default settings $( '.simple-slide-show' ).simpleSlideShow();  // jQuery (1.7+) with custom settings $( '.simple-slide-show' ).simpleSlideShow({   autoplay: 5000,   controls: true,   index: true,   indexUnderline: true,   effect: 'slide',   autosize: true,   hammerJS: false,   onBuild: null });  // vanilla JavaScript with default settings var simpleSlideShow = new SimpleSlideShow( '.simple-slide-show' );  // vanilla JavaScript with custom settings var simpleSlideShow = new SimpleSlideShow(   '.simple-slide-show',   {     autoplay: 5000,     controls: true,     index: true,     indexUnderline: true,     effect: 'slide',     autosize: true,     hammerJS: false,     onBuild: null   } );


Setting Type Default Description
autoplay integer or boolean 5000 The amount of time in milliseconds between slides. If set to false or 0, the slide-show will not advance automatically.
controls boolean true Show sequential navigation controls (left and right buttons).
index boolean true Show indexed navigation controls (slide jump buttons).
indexUnderline boolean true Underline current index.
effect string 'slide' Transition effect: 'slide' or 'fade'.
autosize boolean true Size slide-show to height of tallest slide content. Set false if using CSS to set height of slide-show.
hammerJS boolean false Enable touch functionality if Hammer.js is included on your page.
onBuild function null Callback function to execute after slide-show build.

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