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slideview-mc is an easy yet powerful jQuery plugin used to create an accessible, mobile-friendly jQuery content slider with ease.




JQuery Slider Component


  • touch, mousewheel and keyboard interaction
  • dynamically loads content slides via ajax
  • setup slide urls from navigation links
  • endless scrolling


$(document).ready(function() {   $("#slideview").slideview(); }); 

Get access to the plugin-instance:

var slideview = $("#slideview").data('slideview'); 


transitionStylecurrently only swipe is supportedswipe
transitionDurationthe duration of the transition in milliseconds750
transitionEasingeasing of the transitionswing
transitionCSSspecifies whether to use css transitions if supported or nottransform3d
scrollStyleone of position, transform or transform3d. falls back to position if transforms are not supportedtrue
linkSelectorautomatically read content urls from href attribute of the matched elementsnull
itemSelectorthe selector of the content element.slide
slideClassslide css classslide
currentSlideClasscurrent slide classcurrent-slide
preloadImagesspecifies whether to preload images before showing slidetrue
mouseDraggingenables mouse-dragging interactionfalse
userInteractionenables user-interaction on the componenttrue
locationControlcontrol historytrue
slideLoadedcallback that is fired when a slide has been loadednull
slideBeforecallback that is fired before a slide transitionnull
slideCompletecallback that is fired when a slide transition has finishednull


addadds the specified item to the componentvoid
addAlladds the specified items to the componentvoid
removeremoves the specified item from the componentvoid
removeAllremoves the specified items from the componentvoid
sizeget the size of the item collectionint
invalidateRefreshes the componentvoid
slideToslides to the specified elementvoid
nextshows the next slidevoid
previousshow the previous slidevoid
getPositionreturns current slide indexint
getCurrentItemreturns current slide elementelement

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