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Amo.js is a javascript library for creating CSS3 animations.You do not care about the css animation’s class and keyframes’s style, focusing on animation is the only thing you need to do.

Animation Core Java Script CSS


amo.js (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)

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A javascript library for creating CSS3 animation.

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Guide Ծ‸Ծ

1. import amo.js
<script src="./src/amo.js"></script> 
2. how to use
//1. The node need to be animated var node = document.getElementById('animate-node');  //2. Creating a css animation var fadeAnim = Amo.keyframes({     'opacity': 0 }, {     'opacity': 1 }).animate({ //help: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp     mode: 'forwards',     duration: 1000,     easing: 'ease',     time: 1,     delay: 1000,     direction: 'alternate' });  //3. Running a css animation fadeAnim.run(node, function() {     console.log('over'); }); 

Detail 눈_눈


Amo.keyframe is as same as css @keyframe

/* css */ @keyframes mymove {     from {top:0px;}     to {top:200px;} } ==> /* amo.js */ Amo.keyframes({     top: '0px' }, {     top: '200px'  });   /* css */ @keyframes mymove {     0%   {top:0px;}     50%  {top:100px;}     100% {top:20px;} } ==> /* amo.js */ Amo.keyframes({     0: {         top: '0px'      },     50: {         top: '100px'     },     100: {         top: '200px'     } }); 
keyframe.animate & animate.run

you can create animate depend on keyframe

/* css */ @keyframes mymove {     0%   {top:0px;}     50%  {top:100px;}     100% {top:20px;} } #test {     animation: mymove 5s linear 2s infinite alternate; } => /* amo.js */ var mymove = Amo.keyframes({     0: {         top: '0px'      },     50: {         top: '100px'     },     100: {         top: '200px'     } }); var myAnim = mymove.animate({     duration: 5000,     easing: 'linear',     delay: 2000,     time: -1,     direction: 'alternate' });  //$('#test') => ok //document.getElementById('test') => ok myAnim.run($('#test'), function() {     console.log('animation over');  }); 
animate instance
var myAnimIns = myAnim.run($('#test'), function() {     console.log('animation over');  });  //you can stop the animation myAnimIns.stop();  //you can start the animation too myAnimIns.start();  //reset the animation myAnimIns.reset(); 

You do not need care about the css animation's class and keyframes's style, focusing on animation is the only thing you need to do.

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