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Liike is a Finnish word and means movement, motion. It’s a minimalistic library to create performant custom JS tweens no matter what you’re tweening.When you create a tween, Liike will create a single render loop on-demand for every tweens running and use DOMHighResTimeStamp (provided by requestAnimationFrame), which should be accurate to 5 µs. If the delay is 0, Liike will start the tween at the next animation frame and count the duration from there.

Animation Core Java Script Text Effect


js-semistandard-style npm npm Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pakastin/liike Twitter Follow Twitter Follow



Liike is a Finnish word and means movement, motion. It's a minimalistic library to create performant custom JS tweens no matter what you're tweening.

When you create a tween, Liike will create a single render loop on-demand for every tweens running and use DOMHighResTimeStamp (provided by requestAnimationFrame), which should be accurate to 5 µs. If the delay is 0, Liike will start the tween at the next animation frame and count the duration from there.




npm i liike 


import liike from 'liike';  /**  * Define how Liike should animate based on the tweened values  * @param {Element} The element you're tweening  * @param {Object} Tween settings  */ const transform = (target, data) => {   const { x = 0, y = 0, opacity = 1 } = data;    target.style.transform = `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`;   target.style.opacity = opacity; };  const tween = liike(transform);  const $hello = document.getElementById('hello');  tween($hello, {   delay: 0,   duration: 1000,   easing: 'bounceOut',   from: {     y: -100,     opacity: 0   },   to: {     opacity: 1   } });

Tween settings

  • delay: After how many milliseconds the tween will start
  • duration: How many milliseconds the tween will last
  • easing: Check available easing functions below
  • from: Values to start from
  • to: Values to tween to
  • onstart: Callback for tween start onstart(target)
  • onprogress: Callback for progress onprogress(target, t)
  • onend: Callback for tween end onend(target)

Available easings

  • linear
  • quadIn, quadOut, quadInOut (power to 2)
  • cubicIn, cubicOut, cubicInOut (power to 3)
  • quartIn, quartOut, quartInOut (power to 4)
  • quintIn, quintOut, quintInOut (power to 5)
  • sineIn, sineOut, sineInOut
  • bounceIn, bounceOut, bounceInOut

Browser support


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