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singleClick is a jQuery plugin for differentiating single click and double click that always fires single click event unless you double click within a specific time.

Event Click



jQuery plugin for adding a custom 'singleclick' event to differentiate a single-click from a double-click. The custom 'singleclick' event is fired after a standard click event with a small delay to make sure that the original first click wasn't a part of a double-click.


Clone this repository or install via Bower or npm.

bower install jquery-singleclick npm install jquery-singleclick


Start by including the plugin in your app.

Using a simple HTML script tag:
<script src="jquery-2.1.4.js"></script> <script src="jquery-singleclick.js"></script>
Or using an AMD loader:
require('jquery-singleclick', function($) {     // When using AMD the plugin will look for the 'jquery' dependancy. });

After including the plugin, you'll be able to register handlers for the custom 'singleclick' event as you would register any other jQuery handler:

$('#someElement').on('singleclick', function(e) {     console.log('I was clicked once only'); });  $('#someElement').on('click', function(e) {     console.log('I was clicked'); });  $('#someElement').on('dblclick', function(e) {     console.log('I was double-clicked'); });

In the above example, double-clicking the element will trigger 2 'click' events followed by a 'dblclick' event, but no 'singleclick' event. However, if the element is only clicked once, a 'click' event will be immediately fired, followed by a delayed 'singleclick' fired after we are certain that this is not a double-click.


The default delay time to account for a double-click is 250 miliseconds. This can be configured:

// Two clicks 750ms apart will be considered as a double-click and the 'singleclick' event will not be fired. $.event.special.singleclick.timeout = 750;

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