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Hammer.js is a javascript library (that depends on jQuery) that can be used to control gestures on touch devices.Hammer.js has been tested on iPad1 with iOS5, iPhone4 with iOS5, Samsung Galaxy S with Android 2.3.3 and Google Chrome 17. On a desktop browser the mouse can be used to simulate touch events with one finger. It supports the following gestures:TapDouble tapHoldDragTransform

Drag_Drop Events jQuery Mobile


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A JavaScript library for detecting touch gestures.



npm install --save hammerjs



yarn add hammerjs





hammer.js has a quick start option for gestures it already recognizes.

// Get a reference to an element. var square = document.querySelector('.square');  // Create an instance of Hammer with the reference. var hammer = new Hammer(square);  // Subscribe to a quick start event: press, tap, or doubletap. // For a full list of quick start events, read the documentation. hammer.on('press', function(e) {   e.target.classList.toggle('expand');   console.log("You're pressing me!");   console.log(e); });

If you want to recognize your own gestures, such as tripletap, then you'll have to use these steps:

// Get a reference to an element. var square = document.querySelector('.square');  // Create a manager to manage the element. var manager = new Hammer.Manager(square);  // Create a recognizer. var TripleTap = new Hammer.Tap({   event: 'tripletap',   taps: 3 });  // Add the recognizer to the manager. manager.add(TripleTap);  // Subscribe to the event. manager.on('tripletap', function(e) {   e.target.classList.toggle('expand');   console.log("You're triple tapping me!");   console.log(e); });



For further information regarding hammer.js, please read our documentation.

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Feel encouraged to report issues or submit pull requests. When you're ready to do either, read our contribution guidelines. If you're looking for another form of contribution, we love help answering questions on our slack channel.



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