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RESCalendar is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive, dynamic, scrolling, multi-language calendar interface that arranges the date slots on a horizontal line.

Calendar event-calendar


RESCalendar - Simple jQuery Horizontal Calendar plugin

This is a very simple plugin that shows JSON data in an horizontal calendar.


  • JQuery
  • Moment

Quick and dirty initialization:

  1. Link to the rescalendar.css in the head of your html, and to the rescalendar.js file AFTER linking to jquery.

  2. Put in your html a div with class "rescalendar" and an id attribute, like:

<div class="rescalendar" id="my_calendar"></div> 
  1. Initialize the plugin after JQuery, like this:
$('.rescalendar').rescalendar({ 	...your options here (see below) }); 

How it works:

  • When you initialize the plugin, inside the div.rescalendar you will have:

    • some wrappers to help with styling
    • buttons to move one day left or right, or by big jumps (15 day by default).
    • an input field containing the reference date, ie, the date in the middle of the calendar
    • a button to bring the calendar to today
    • a row of days, formatted with day of the week, day number, month name (localized with moment)
    • some rows displaying the data, with
      • class "hasEvent" if the data matches that day and row name
      • class "customClass" if informed in the data
      • title attribute in a link if informed in the data
  • When clicking on the buttons, changing the date input field, or clicking on a day, the calendar will be repositioned around the new date.

Options / Properties:

  • Required:

    • id: used to have unique calendar objects. The wrapper div around the calendar will include this id for styling purposes. Default: 'rescalendar'
    • format: date formats used in the calendar. All the date properties in the data must have this same format. Valid formats as provided by moment.js. Default: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  • Optional:

    • jumpSize: number of days to move left or right when clicking the '.move_to_yesterday' and 'move_to_tomorrow' buttons: default: 15;
    • calSize: number of days to display in the calendar: default: 30 ( another day will be added to make the calendar symmetrical);
    • refDate: the date in which the calendar will be initialized. Default: current date
    • locale: moment.js localization code. Default: 'en'
    • disabledDays: array of dates. If a date is in this array, the class 'disabledDay' will be added. Default: []
    • disabledWeekDays: array of week day numbers, ranging from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). If a date is in this array, the class 'disabledDay' will be added. Default: []
    • dataKeyField: the name to be displayed on the left of each data row. Every data item must have a name attribute, which musth math an equal dataKeyValue, so class can be added if they match. See examples for more information. Default: []
    • dataKeyValues: an array with the names to be shown as rows. Default: []
    • lang. An Object with translations, with 4 possible translations. Overwrite if needed:
{     'init_error' : 'Error when initializing',     'no_data_error': 'No data found',     'no_ref_date'  : 'No refDate found',     'today'   : 'Today' } 
- data: an array of objects containing the data to be shown in the calendar. Example: 
[     {         id: 1, // not used         name: 'item1', // must match a dataKeyField value, otherwise this data range wont be shown         startDate: '2019-03-01', // same format as in the format required option         endDate: '2019-03-03', // same format as in the format required option         customClass: 'greenClass', // optional, class will be added to every data point in the calendar         title: 'Title 1 en' // if provided, a link with href="#" and a target with this title will be added     },     {         id: 2,         name: 'item2',         startDate: '2019-03-05',         endDate: '2019-03-15',         customClass: 'blueClass',         title: 'Title 2 en'     },     {         id: 3,         name: 'item5',         startDate: '2019-03-05',         endDate: '2019-03-08',         customClass: 'greenClass'     } ] 

Other notes:

  • You can instantiate several calendar objects on the same page.
  • You can instantiate all the calendars with the same data if you identify them with a common class.
  • Check the index.html in the demo for more information
  • To run the tests, install Cypress (npm install cypress), then run the tests like this: $(npm bin)/cypress open

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