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Yacal is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to embed a nice-looking calendar component with basic functionality in your webpage.



jQuery yacal

Yet Another Calendar plugin for jQuery.

Code Climate

What is yacal?

Yacal is a lightweight (~3.5KB min / ~1.5kb gzip) jQuery calendar plugin, easy to configure and use. It comes with a default template, but you can tune up at your taste, and it also supports some basic internationalization.

The main idea behind yacal is getting a basic calendar DOM structure that you can use as you please. So, do whatever you want with it.

What is not?

  • It's not a Date Picker (but you can build one with it adding some lines of jQuery and Monent.js in your project)
  • It's not a Events Calendar (again, you can do some basic jQuery stuff and get events calendar working too)


Here is a Demo page


yacal only requires jQuery (>= v1.8.x) as dependency. So, just include the script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else):

<!-- uncompressed (~7.2kb, for development) -->  <script src="/path/to/jquery.yacal.js"></script>  <!-- OR compressed (~3.5kb, for production) -->  <script src="/path/to/jquery.yacal.min.js"></script>

Note: yacal's javascripts and stylesheets are located in project's dist folder


With data-* attributes

<div class="yacal" data-date="2020/10/26" data-near-months="2"></div>

with Javascript

<div id="calendar2000"></div>
$('#calendar2000').yacal({ 	date: '2000/1/1', 	nearmonths: 1, });

Default Configurations

options = { 	date: new Date(),    // Sets the date. i.e: '2010/10/10', '2012/06' , default is now 	nearMonths: 0,       // How many months will be displayed to each side. Default is 0 	showWeekdays: true,  // Toggles the week days ('Su','Mo','Tu',etc). Default is true 	minDate: null,       // Sets the minimal date range (inclusive). For markup only. Default is null 	maxDate: null,       // Sets the maximal date range (inclusive). For markup only. Default is null 	//firstDay: 0,       // Sets the first day of the week. Default is 0 (Sunday) (TODO)   isActive: null,      // function to set active class name on each specific days   dayClass: null,      // function to adds additional custom classes to days });  $('#aDefaultCalendar').yacal(options);



isActive is a helper function you can pass in on the options that will get called for each day and passed the date. You can return true or false as to whether the date should be active or not (get the active css class applied). This is basically an enhancement of the minDate/maxDate options that lets you set the active class separately for each date, rather than just starting at minDate or ending at maxDate.

It is useful to have a setting of active based on each specific day.

If you do something like:

var unavailable = [    { Arrival: new Date(2015, 12, 1), Departure: new Date(2015, 12, 10) },    { Arrival: new Date(2015, 10, 3), Departure: new Date(2015, 10, 4) } ];  $('#calendar').yacal({   isActive: function(date)   {     for (var i = 0; i < unavailable.length; i++)      {       if (date.valueOf() >= unavailable[i].Arrival).valueOf() && date.valueOf() <= unavailable[i].valueOf())           return false;     }     return true;   } });


dayClass is a helper function that adds additional custom classes to days.

$('#calendar').yacal({   dayClass: function(date) {      if (date.getDate() % 2)       return "odd";      else       return "even";   }); });

CSS Styles

There is a CSS file in the project (dist/jquery.yacal.css) with some basic definitions for yacal's default template.


In yacal is possible to configure the resulting output. The plugin provides access to all the templates used in the rendering. Just keep in mind that every month has this structure:

<!-- pseudo-html --> <wrap> 	<nav/> 	<month> 		<monthTitle/> 		<weeksdays/> 		<week> 			<day />  			<day />  			... 		<week/> 		... 	</month> 	... 	<clearfix/> </wrap>

Default templates:

$('.calendar').yacal({   tpl: {      day: '<a class="day d#weekday##weekend##today##selected##active#" data-time="##time#">#day#</a>',     weekday: '<i class="weekday wd#weekday#">#weekdayName#</i>',     week: '<div class="week week#week##weekSelected#" data-time="#weekTime#">|</div>',     month: '<div class="month #month#"><h4>#monthName# #year#</h4>|</div>',     nav: '<div class="yclNav">'+            '<a class="prev"><span>#prev#</span></a>'+            '<a class="pext"><span>#next#</span></a>'+          '</div>'     wrap: '<div class="wrap"></div>'     clearfix: '<div class="clearfix"></div>'   } });

Note A: in nav's template, yclNav, prev and next should stay within the class attributes of both nav links and the yclNav wrapper, as they are required to navigate between months. Is possible to add your own classes, but don't remove these original ones.


$('.calendar').yacal({   tpl: {     // adds new classes ('myNav' and 'myNext'),      // but keeping the originals (`yclNav`, `prev` and `next`)     nav: '<div class="yclNav myNav">'+            '<a class="prev"><strong>#prev#</strong></a>'+             '<a class="next myNext"><strong>#next#</strong></a>'+          '</div>'   } });

Note B: in week's and month's templates, there are pipe characters, |, that are also required. Is there where week's days will be placed.


$('.calendar').yacal({   tpl: {     // Don't render weeks     week: '|',     // Simplifies the month header     month: '<div class="month"><h2>#monthName#</h2>|</div>',   } });

Templates Placeholders

The plugin provides several placeholders for each template. These placeholders will return specific information about current element. Except a couple of them, most are not required to be used.

Day's placeholders
  • #day#: day's number in the month, from 1 to 31
  • #weekday#: day's number in the week, from 0 to 6
  • #time#: day's timestamp
  • #weekend#: returns 'weekend' if day is Sunday or Saturday
  • #today#: returns 'today' if is today
  • #selected#: returns 'selected' if day the selected one
Weekday's placeholders
  • #weekday#: day number in the week, from 0 to 6
  • #weekdayName#: day's name (i.e. 'Su','Mo',etc). It will depend on the i18n configurations under tpl.weekdays.
  • |: here is where weeks's days will be rendered. REQUIRED
Week's placeholders
  • #week#: week's number in the year
  • #weekTime#: week's timestamp (millisecons since January 1st, 1970)
  • #weekSelected#: returns 'selected' if the selected date is in this week.
Month's placeholders
  • #year#: Year number (i.e. '1999','2010',etc).
  • #monthName#: Month's name (i.e. 'January','February',etc). It will depend on the i18n configurations under tpl.months.
  • #monthNumber#: Month's number, form 0 to 11
  • |: here is where month's days will be rendered. REQUIRED
Nav paceholders
  • #prev#: label for "prev" navigation link. It will depend on the i18n configurations under tpl.prev. Required for navigation.
  • #next#: label for "next" navigation link. It will depend on the i18n configurations under tpl.next. Required for navigation.



$('.calendar').yacal({   i18n: {     weekdays: ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'],     months: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',              'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'],     prev: 'prev', // prev month label     next: 'next', // next month label   } });


Spanish version

$('.calendar').yacal({   i18n: {     weekdays: ['Do','Lu','Ma','Mi','Ju','Vi','Sa'],     months: ['Ene','Feb','Mar','Abr','May','Jun',              'Jul','Ago','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dic'],   } });

English long months names

$('.calendar').yacal({   i18n: {     months: ['January','February','Marz','April','May','June',              'July','August','September','October','November','December'],   } });

Coffeescript compilation

Yacal source is written in Coffeescript and is compiled and minfied using Gulp.

If you want to use this Gulp task to complile and minify the code, you should install the project dependencies using Node's npm:

$ npm install

Once the dependencies are satisfied, you can run the watch task:

$ gulp watch

As you make changes and save the source code, this will watch for those changes and output two files in the dist folder:

  • jquery.yacal.js: uncompressed, for development (~7.8k)
  • jquery.yacal.min.js compressed, for production (~3.5k)

ToDos and ideas

  • Timezone support
  • Configurations:
    • First day of the week
    • Ideas?
  • Move I18n and Localization to a separate file.
  • Bower support (do some testing)
  • Navigation (prev/next year)


  • Eduardo Ludi

  • Some functions ideas has been taken from Pickaday (David Bushell @dbushell and Ramiro Rikkert @RamRik)

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