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filterThis is a really simple jQuery plugin which enables you to dynamically filter a long html list through an input field.




jQuery plugin for client side list filtering

View the Demo

To use, start by including a version of jquery and the plugin file.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="filterThis.js"></script> 

Create a list of items

<div class="user"> 	<div class="name"> 		Derek Ortiz 	</div><!-- /.name --> 	<div class="date"> 		10/22/31 	</div> </div><!-- /.user --> 

Create your search input and set target and hide options.

<input type="text" class="filter-box" data-filter-options='{ "filterTarget":".user .name", "filterHide":".user" }'> 

Call the plugin on your input



##filterTarget (string): Default: "" The class with the text to be filtered

##filterHide (string); Default: "" Class of element or parent element to hide if there is no match

##shouldHide (boolean): Default: true Hides element if target is not a match

shouldHighlight (boolean):

Default: true Turn highlighting on/off


Default: yellow Highight color of matched letters

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