Welcome to LiveSearch

You can use this project to draw a table of data and to search values at realtime, just by following these few steps
git clone https://github.com/IndianGhost/liveSearch.git
composer create-project indianghost/live-search YourProjectName
Or (in case of stability issues)
composer create-project indianghost/live-search=dev-master YourProjectName
Inteded users
Generally here are two users for this project (I guess so), if you are one of them don't hesitate to use it:
1. In case you have one (or many in the same page) existing HTML table displays data (from a database or whatever):
You have an existing HTML table contains a lot of rows (for example: You display data from database into an HTML table), you want to add a functionality that allows you to find values of some row without scrolling page and wasting your time. This project can save you bro !
Follow these steps
clone it from github or download it via composer as mentionned above
include jquery on your webpage:
- via CDN copy & paste this line on your head block:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
- local file You downloaded the project ! well, now copy the file js/jquery.min.js and paste it in your js directory. Then, add the tag script to your head block.
<script type="text/javascript" src="LinkToYourDirectory/jquery.min.js"></script>
add a new input tag, it will be your search box. it should have the
, for example I used this tag :<input type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 20%" id="js-search" placeholder="Taper pour chercherโฆ">
๐ Remember the required attribute is id="js-search" -
add an attribute
to your table(s). When you type something in the search box the result will appear simultaneously on your table(s).๐ Notice: if your table has not the tag<tbody>
you must add it<table><tbody>Searched Data HERE</tbody></table>
. -
Finally, You must copy the file js/search.js and add the script tag at the bottom of page (
๐ just before</body>
for performance reasons). It should be similar to this tag :<script type="text/javascript" src="LinkToYourDirectory/search.js"></script>
That's all for your case, enjoy !
2. In case you have data already formatted using JSON:
In this case your task will be a piece of cake all you have to do is:
rename your json file to data.json
clone or download the project (step 1 above)
replace the file js/data.json by your data.json !
That's all for your case, enjoy !
Demonstration edited by jqueryscripts.net I'm thankful to its team because they paid attention to this modest work, By the way this is the first version: https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Table-Live-Search-Plugin-jQuery/
Copyright and license
Copyright 2018 Achraf BELLAALI Live Search is a free open-source project. The code is released under The MIT LICENSE you can do whatever you want with it !
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