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Content Filtering is a lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to create dynamic filters for any content grouped by Html5 data-* attributes.

Filter filtering



By: Melissa Jean Clark
When: February - March 2015

About Content-Filtering

This project is an exploration of how to filter data using HTML, CSS (SCSS) and JavaScript / jQuery, without using a plugin. The values are stored using data-attributes like this:

<div class="filterableItem" data-source="Unsplash" data-details="black and white" data-subject="landscape">          <img src="assets/images/BW-bridge.jpg" alt="black and white bridge"> </div><!-- / .filterableItem --> 

About the Code

The code (see the app.js file) makes use of variables and arrays to store essentially all of the values. This way, I can easily swap out the relevant data-attributes or selector values stored in the array for a new project.

var filterApp = {};  // array to store data-attributes on filterable items filterApp.dataAttr = ['data-source',                      'data-details',                     'data-subject'];  // array to store selectors used throughout JS filterApp.selector  = ['select#sourceChoice',                          'select#workChoice',                          'div.filterableItem',                          'select#subjectChoice',                         'form.filterNav',                         'div.filterableItem.isVisible'];  // array to store classes added when hiding / showing items filterApp.transition = ['itemTransition'];  filterApp.values = ['all']; 

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