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Yet another jQuery highlight plugin that adds a customizable spotlight effect to any elements in your document.

Highlight Spotlight



jQuery Spotlight is a jQuery plugin which allows you to highlight elements in your page using a 'spotlight' effect. This plugin is highly customizable and requires no external css or images.


  • GPL v3


  • Initialization:
$(selector).spotlight({ 	opacity: .5,				//spotlight opacity 	speed: 400,					//animateion speed 	color: '#333',				//spotlight colour 	animate: true,				//enable animation (if false 'speed' and 'easing' are irrelevant) 	easing: '',					//set easing from the jQuery Easing plugin 	exitEvent: 'click',		//set which event triggers spotlight to hide  									//(must be a valid jQuery 'live' event type) 	onShow: function(){},	//callback function after spotlight is shown 	onHide: function(){}		//callback function after spotlight is hidden }); 
  • Un-spotlight:


This fork (@MarQuisKnox) adds the following features:

  • unspotlight()


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