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revealElements.js is a jQuery plugin that highlights any DOM elements and adds an overlay layer to the rest of the page.

focus Overlay Highlight



A little jQuery plugin for out of dom elements find in 'lib/' folder

In folder 'base/' you can see the main idea of this little project, that I have translated into jQuery plugin.

Demo : http://jp.cartoux.net/dev/revealElements.js-master/othersample.html


Basic for show all dom elements with reveal class


More specific, you can choose class of element you want to "reveal", specify the wrapper element, the overlay z-index (auto adjuste the others elements z-index) & overlay color

$.revealElements({ 	revealClass: '.reveal', 	wrapperEl: 'body', 	overlayIndex: 8, 	overlayColor: '#000' });


Look index.html & othersample.html !

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