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jQuiteLight is a smart jQuery text highlighting plugin which allows you to highlight matched characters in the webpage using Regex or string arrays.




jQuery Smart Search Query Highlight Plugin


  • Works with Regular Expressions.
  • An array of search queries can be applied at once.
  • Smart highlight logic is included.
  • Additional logic can be applied using beforeMark property.
  • Each highlight is held separately, so it is easy to remove highlight by index.


Installing using node package manager.
Type the following in your console inside your project directory:

npm install jquitelight 

If you have bower installed in your pc, you can install the plugin using the command:

bower install jquitelight 

Inline HTML including

<!-- Note: jQuery version should not be less than 1.6 --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="path/to/plugin/jquitelight.js"></script>


// basic highlighting $(".element-to-be-highlighted").mark("text to be highlighted here");  // With RegExp $(".element-to-be-highlighted").mark(new RegExp("/test.{1,2}/"));  // An array of queries $(".element-to-be-highlighted").mark(["test", "another-test"]);  // Using options $(".element-to-be-highlighted").mark(["test", "another-test"], { 	markData: { 		"class": "my-highlight" 	}, 	ignoreCase: false }); // To remove highlight use: // Get array of highlights var HIGHLIGHTS = $(".element-to-be-highlighted").data("marker"); // Destroy HIGHLIGHTS[0].destroy();

Resolving plugin conflicts

// if you have another plugin with such jQuery method // you can get overridden method by using noConflict method var prevMarkMethod = $.fn.mark.noConflict(); $.fn.mark.myCoolMark = prevMarkMethod;

Making changes into plugin

// starting from version v1.2.0 plugin core object is linked to jQuery method var plugin = $.fn.mark.Marker, 	oldWrapStringMethod = plugin.prototype.wrapString; plugin.prototype.wrapString = function (content) { 	console.log(content); 	return oldWrapStringMethod.call(this, content); }

Advanced usage (tricks)

// starting version 2.0.0 // make some strings inside the text links with specific url $(".some-content").mark([ 	{ 		query: "test", 		markData: { 			href: "http://www.example.com/test" 		} 	}, 	{ 		query: "another-test", 		markData: { 			href: "/under-domain-link"         } 	}, 	{         query: "strict lower case text",         ignoreCase: false,         markData: {             title: "advanced usage test",             href: "/strict-lower-case"         }     }], { 	markData: { 		"class": "linked" 	}, 	markTag: "a", 	ignoreCase: true });  // excluding some sensitive words from matching when using together with smart behaviour $(".text-container").mark("each word occurence from this sentence should be highlighted".split(" "), { 	useSmartBehavior: true, 	beforeMark: function (match) { 		// exclude words "bee" and "teach"  		return match !== "bee" && match !== "teach";	 	} });


Type: array
Default: ["script", "style"]
Expected an array of strings with HTML tag names that should be skipped on highlighting (in lower case).

Type: bool
Default: true
Expected a boolean value for ignoring query matching case.

Type: bool
Default: false
Expected a boolean value for using RegExp extending function for string queries.

Type: Function
Default: function (text) { return true; }
Function deciding match highlight. Accepts a matched string. Should return a boolean value.

Type: Function
Default: function (element) {}
Function for manipulating with highlight. Accepts a jQuery element (wrapper of current match).

Type: String
Default: "span"
Name of an HTML tag for wrapping matches.

Type: Object
Default: { "class": "marked-text" }
Attributes to be applied for wrapper.

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