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sequency.js is a jQuery plugin which enables you to compare the differences between a set of images in sequence as your scroll down and up.



jQuery Sequency js

jQuery plugin which enables you to compare the differences between a set of images in sequence as your scroll down and up.


How to use it

  1. Create a container for the before/after image comparison interface.
    <div id="sequency-container" >   </div> 
  2. Import jQuery library and the jQuery sequency.js into the webpage.
    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.sequency.js"></script> 
  3. Add the images you want to compare into a JSON object.
    var $jsonSource =  [     {caption:"Skeleton", img:"img/1.png"},     {caption:"Projection", img:"img/2.png"},     {caption:"Muscle groups", img:"img/3.png"},     {caption:"Muscles", img:"img/4.png"} ]; 
  4. Initialize the plugin on the container you just created.
    var $jsonSource =  [     {caption:"Skeleton", img:"img/1.png"},     {caption:"Projection", img:"img/2.png"},     {caption:"Muscle groups", img:"img/3.png"},     {caption:"Muscles", img:"img/4.png"} ]; 
  5. The required CSS styles. Add the following CSS snippets into your CSS file.
        .seq-wrapper {       margin: 0 auto;       width: 980px;       padding: 40px 0 10px;       position: relative;     }          .seq-wrapper:after, .seq-wrapper:before {       display: table;       clear: both;       zoom: 1;       content: "";     }          .seq-section { background: #FFF; }          h1.section-title {       text-align: center;       font-size: 50px;       padding-bottom: 40px;       line-height: 40px;       font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;       font-weight: 400;       color: #000;       text-align: center;       text-transform: capitalize;     }          #sequency-flyer { position: absolute; }          #sequency-flyer.anch {       position: fixed;       top: 50%!important;       -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);     }          #sequency-flyer {       width: 980px;       height: 487px;       margin-top: -243px;       top: 350px; }  #sequency {   height: 296px;   width: 465px;   margin: 0 auto;   margin-bottom: 95px;   overflow: hidden;   position: relative; }  #sequency img {   position: relative;   height: auto;   display: inline-block;   margin: 0 auto; }  #sequency .ja, #sequency .jb {   width: 465px;   overflow: hidden;   position: absolute;   left: 0px;   height: 100%; }  #sequency .ja, #sequency .jb {   -webkit-transition: height .1s ease-out;   -moz-transition: height .1s ease-out;   -ms-transition: height .1s ease-out;   -o-transition: height .1s ease-out;   transition: height .1s ease-out;   text-align: center; }  #sequency .ja.no-trans, #sequency .jb.no-trans {   -webkit-transition: none;   -moz-transition: none;   -ms-transition: none;   -o-transition: none;   transition: none; }  #sequency_bar {   -webkit-transition: top .1s ease-out;   -moz-transition: top .1s ease-out;   -ms-transition: top .1s ease-out;   -o-transition: top .1s ease-out;   transition: top .1s ease-out; }  #sequency_bar {   width: 100%;   margin-left: 0; }  #sequency_bar.down {   box-shadow: 0 5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05);   -moz-box-shadow: 0 5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05);   -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05); }  #sequency_bar.up {   box-shadow: 0 -5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05);   -moz-box-shadow: 0 -5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05);   -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -5px 5px 5px rgba(33,33,33,.05); }  #sequency .ja {   bottom: 0;   z-index: 15; }  #sequency .jb {   top: 0px;   z-index: 20;   background: #FFF; }  #sequency .jb img { visibility: hidden; }  #sequency .jb.active img { visibility: visible; }  #sequency_bar {   height: 1px;   background: #c5c5c5;   position: absolute;   top: 295px;   z-index: 1000; }  #sequency_bar.full {   width: 2400px;   margin-left: -900px; }  #sequency_text {   width: 510px;   margin: 0 auto;   margin-bottom: 180px; }  #sequency_text ul {   text-align: center;   display: block;   margin: 0 auto;   padding: 0; }  #sequency_text ul li {   float: none;   display: inline-block;   margin-left: 10px;   margin-right: 10px; }  #sequency_text ul li span {   -webkit-transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out;   -moz-transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out;   -ms-transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out;   -o-transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out;   transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out; }  #sequency_text ul li span, #sequency_text ul li a {   float: none;   font-family: "Raleway";   font-size: 16px;   color: #636363;   opacity: 0; }  #sequency_text ul li.active span, #sequency_text ul li.active a { opacity: 1; }  #sequency_nav { position: absolute; }  #sequency_nav ul { }  #sequency_nav ul li {   display: block;   margin-bottom: 10px; }  #sequency_nav ul li a {   background: #e3e3e3;   cursor: pointer;   text-indent: -9999px;   width: 10px;   height: 10px;   display: block;   cursor: pointer;   text-indent: 9999px;   overflow: hidden;   border-radius: 5px;   box-sizing: content-box;   text-align: right; }  #sequency_nav ul li.active a { background: #b0b0b0; } 
6.  Customization options with default values.  ```  // data source  jsonSource:    [],    // plugin title  title      :  "jQuery.sequency.js",     // step speed in ms  stepSpeed    :  1500,    // viewport height  viewportHeight   :  264,    // viewort padding  viewportPaddingY :  50,    // fullscreen mode  barFullscreen  :  false,    // parent container  container    : window,    // callback  initiate:    function(){},  ``` 

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