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zoompanzoom.js is a really small jQuery plugin which enables the user to zoom in/out and pan any elements (divs, text, images, svgs, etc.) within a specific container.




Light weight zooming and panning Jquery plugin

Zoompanzoom is a lightweight jQuery plugin for Zooming and Panning different elemets like div , Image , SVG etc.

Dependant files - Jquery and Jquery UI

How to use

  1. Create a div and assign an id
  2. Use the id to initialise the plugin


1.animationSpeed - possible values can be slow,normal,fast or any other number $("#my_div").zoompanzoom({ animationSpeed: "slow"

2.zoomfactor - The factor by which the zoom out or zoom in will happen

default value - 0.1
3.maxZoom - maximum zoom
default value - 3
4.minZoom - Minimum zoom
default value - 0.5
5.disablePan - false to disable panning. Default value is true.

Complete Example:

$("#my_div").zoompanzoom({     animationSpeed: "slow",     zoomfactor: .8,     maxZoom: 2.5,     minZoom: 0.9,     disablePan: false   	}); 

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