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A jQuery plugin that enables panning and zoom in/out functionalities on SVG images using mouse drag, mouse wheel, touch swipe and touch pinch events.

SVG image-zoom image-pan


SVG Pan & Zoom v2

A Javascript plugin to pan and zoom SVG images either programatically or through mouse/touch events


As npm module

npm install @avcs/svgpanzoom --save 

As bower component

bower install avcs-svgpanzoom --save 

As standalone JavaScript plugin

<script type="text/javascript" src="@avcs/svgpanzoom/dist/SVGPanZoom.js"></script> 

Live Demo

Available at https://avcs.pro/svgpanzoom.

Project forked

This project uses jquery-svg-pan-zoom project as base and improves on it.


  • Programmatically manipulate the SVG viewBox
  • Mouse and touch events to pan the SVG viewBox
  • Mousewheel and pinch events for zooming the SVG viewBox
  • Animate pan and zoom actions
  • Zooming keeps the cursor over the same coordinates relative to the image (A.K.A. GoogleMaps-like zoom)


  • SVG-enabled browser (does not work with SVG work-arounds that use Flash)

The viewBox

The viewBox is an attribute of SVG images that defines the area of the SVG that is visible, it is defined by 4 numbers: X, Y, Width, Height. These numbers together specify the visible area. This plugin works by manipulating these four numbers.

Examples Reducing X value pans the SVG to left. By reducing Width and Height we can zoom in to the SVG.


var SVGPanZoom= new SVGPanZoom(SVGElement, options)

The returned SVGPanZoom instance contains all options inside options property, these can be overwritten at any time directly, for example to disable mouseWheel events simply:

SVGPanZoom.options.zoom.events.mouseWheel= false

The SVGPanZoom instance also has methods for manipulating the viewBox programmatically. For example:



Default values are inside ().

Options: {     /* the initial viewBox,      * if null or undefined will try to use the viewBox set in the svg tag.      * Also accepts string in the format "X Y Width Height"      ***/     initialViewBox: Object {         x: Number (0), // the top-left corner X coordinate         y: Number (0), // the top-left corner Y coordinate         width: Number (1000), // the width of the viewBox         height: Number (1000) // the height of the viewBox     } (null),      // Time(milliseconds) to use for animations. Set 0 to remove the animation     animationTime: Number (200),      /* ViewBox Limits in percentage         * Number (15) (all directions)         * String "Number Number" (15 15) (horizontal vertical)         ***/     limits: String (15),      /* DOMElement(container) to which all the events are attached      * If null events will be attached to SVG element itself      * Useful when your own touch and mouse events are interfering with the events of plugin      ***/     eventMagnet: DOMElement (null),      // Zoom Params, set false to disable zoom     zoom: {         // Zoom Factor, viewBox values are multiplied or divided based on this factor to zoom on each step         // Formula: ZoomOut => newWidth = width / (1 + factor), ZoomIn => newWidth = width * (1 + factor)         factor: Number (0.25),         // Zoom Limits         // minZoom:0.1 => zoom out up to 0.1x         minZoom: Number (0.1),         // maxZoom:5 => zoom in upto 5x         maxZoom: Number (5),         // Event related flags         events: {             // enable mouse wheel zooming events             mouseWheel: Boolean (true),             // enable double-click zooming events             doubleClick: Boolean (true),             // enable pinch zooming events             pinch: Boolean (true)         },         // onZoom callback, multiplier = current multiplier         callback: Function (function(multiplier) {})     },     // Pan Params, set false to disable pan     pan: {         // Pan Factor, this factor is added to or substracted from viewBox values to pan         factor: Number (100),         // Event related flags         events: {             // enable drag to PAN the SVG events             drag: Boolean (true),             // e.which value for the mouse button you want to use for dragging             dragMouseButton : Number (1),              // cursor to use while dragging             dragCursor: String ("move")         },         // onPan callback, coordinates = {x: x, y: y}         callback: Function (function(coordinates) {})     } }


Pan Methods

SVGPanZoom.panLeft([amount, animationTime]) SVGPanZoom.panRight([amount, animationTime]) SVGPanZoom.panUp([amount, animationTime]) SVGPanZoom.panDown([amount, animationTime])

Pans the SVG in the specified direction.

amount [Number] optional PAN distance, defaults to options.panFactor.

animationTime [Number] optional Animation duration, defaults to options.animationTime.

Zoom Methods

SVGPanZoom.zoomIn([focalPoint, amount, animationTime]) SVGPanZoom.zoomOut([focalPoint, amount, animationTime])

Zooms the SVG in or out.

focalPoint [Object {x: Number,y: Number}] optional This point should be relative to SVG co-ordinate system, defaults to center of current viewBox. This point will remain at the same place after zooming.

amount [Number] optional Zoom factor, defaults to options.zoomFactor.

animationTime [Number] optional Animation duration, defaults to options.animationTime.



Resets the SVG to options.initialViewBox values.



Returns the viewbox in this format:

{     x: Number     y: Number     width: Number     height: Number }


SVGPanZoom.setViewBox(x, y, width, height, animationTime, callback)

Changes the viewBox to the specified coordinates. Will respect the options.limits adapting the viewBox if needed (moving or reducing it to fit into options.limits

x [Number] the new x coodinate of the top-left corner

y [Number] the new y coodinate of the top-left corner

width [Number] the new width of the viewBox

height [Number] the new height of the viewBox

animationTime [Number] optional Animation duration, defaults to options.animationTime.


SVGPanZoom.setCenter(x, y, animationTime)

Sets the center of the SVG.

x [Number] the new x coodinate of the center

y [Number] the new y coodinate of the center

animationTime [Number] optional Animation duration, defaults to options.animationTime.


  • This plugin does not create any controls (like arrows to move the image) on top of the SVG. These controls are simple to create manually and they can programmatically call the methods to move the image.
  • Do not manipulate the SVG viewBox attribute manually, use SVGPanZoom.setViewBox() instead

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