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React Rating is a React rating component built with StyledComponents and inspired by ReactRating.



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React Rating

React Rating is a React rating component built with StyledComponents 💅 and inspired by ReactRating.


You can install @prontopro/react-rating component using the yarn package manager:

yarn add @prontopro/react-rating


The @prontopro/react-rating component peer depends on the React library.

You can install React using yarn:

yarn add --save react react-dom


Import Rating Component

import Rating from '@prontopro/react-rating'

Start using it:

<Rating />

Pass some config props:

<Rating   animateOnHover   disableAnimation   initialRate={3}   stop={10} />


Property Type Default Description
animateOnHover Boolean false Whether to animate rate hovering or not.
disableAnimation Boolean false Disable stars animation onClick or onHover.
emptyRate React Element Empty Star React Element
fractions Number 1 Number of equal parts that make up a whole symbol.
fullRate React Element Full Star React element
initialRate Number 0 Initial rate value.
readonly Boolean false Whether the rating can be modified or not.
start Number 0 Range starting value.
step Number 1 Step increment (must be between start and stop).
stop Number 5 Range stop value.


Callback Type Parameters Description
onChange Function rate: Number Called when the selected rate is changed.
onClick Function (rate: Number, event: Event) Called when a rate is clicked.
onRate Function rate: Number or undefined Called when a rate is entered or left. When a rate is left it is called with undefined.


MIT License

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