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mobileMenu.js is a jQuery plugin which takes an array of menu objects and converts them into a fullscreen, mobile-friendly, multi-level drilldown menu for your large, complicated site/app navigation.

mobile-menu Drill-Down-Menu


MobileMenu (MM)

jQuery plugin to make a mobile menu as easy as drinking a glass of water.



<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css"> 


<div id="mobileMenuWrapper"> 	<div id="mobileMenu"></div> </div> 



<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> <script src="js/mobileMenu.min.js"></script>


$(fuction){ 	$('#mobileMenu').mobileMenu( structure, options ); });

Open index.html to run a working Demo.s


{ 	section:(*) { 		title: 'Compass', 		items: [ 			{ 				name: 'home', 				section:(*) {...} 			} 		] 	} } 
  • Section: Object
    • Title: String
    • Items: Array
      • Item: Object
        • name: String
        • section ⇒ [ Is the same structure as its parent ]


{     animation: { 	    speed: 200, 	    easing: 'easeOutSine'     },     closeAll: true,     mainOpenFrom: 'left',     subOpenFrom: 'left',     shadow: true,     opener: '.mobileMenuOpener',     closeStatic: false } 
  • Animation: Object
  • closeAll: Bool => [ close all the submenus when close ]
  • mainOpenFrom: String('left( default )', 'right', 'top')
  • subOpenFrom: String('left', 'right', 'top') default=> if it is not defined it would take the mainOpenFrom value, if mainOpenFrom is not defined 'left';
  • shadow: Bool => [ Add shadow to section page ]
  • opener: String( jQuery.class or jQuery.id ) e.g. => $('#menu')
  • closeStatic: Bool [ it defines if the menu would have one static close or one for each section ]

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