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Just another simple-to-use jQuery table sort plugin which enables the visitor to sort table rows by numbers, strings and dates.




Simple jQuery plugin for sorting table rows


Include the plugin

<script src="/path/to/jquery.tablesort.js"></script>

Add class="sortable" to any sortable columns along with a data-sorttype attribute if you want it to sort by something other than string.

<table>   <thead>     <tr>       <th>not sortable</th>       <th class="sortable" data-sorttype="number">number</th>       <th class="sortable">string</th>       <th class="sortable" data-sorttype="date">date</th>     </tr>   </thead>   <tbody>     <tr>       <td>this</td>       <td>1</td>       <td>a</td>       <td>2/3/2015</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td>column is</td>       <td>2</td>       <td>c</td>       <td>3/4/15</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td>not sortable</td>       <td>3</td>       <td>b</td>       <td>2015-01-01</td>     </tr>   </tbody> </table>

Call the plugin on the table.


More Options

Create custom sorttype.

create a custom sorttype to sort date range by first date

| date range |

|5/17/15 - 5/23/15| |5/10/15 - 5/16/15| |5/03/15 - 5/09/15| |4/26/15 - 5/02/15| |4/19/15 - 5/25/15|

      <th class="sortable" data-sorttype="date-range">date range</th>
$("table").tablesort({ 	sorttypes: { 		"date-range": function (a, b) { 			var am = a.match(/^\d+\/\d+\/\d+/); 			var bm = b.match(/^\d+\/\d+\/\d+/); 			if (am === null || bm === null) { 				return 0; 			} 			var av = new Date(am[0]); 			var bv = new Date(bm[0]); 			if (av < bv) { 				return -1; 			} else if (av > bv) { 				return 1; 			} else { 				return 0; 			} 		} 	} });

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