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FlexSort is a lightweight, flexible jQuery table sorting plugin which allows for sorting each column of an flexbox-based table individually by clicking on the header.



jQuery FlexSort

A jQuery plugin to sort tables created using CSS flexbox.


jQuery (Tested on v3.1.1)




Users can click on a header of a column and it will sort the table into either ascending (default on first-click) or descending order. It supports alphabetical, numerical and currency (currently only for $ and £) sorting.

FlexSort will read in all data from the appropriate rows in the table. You can also add data in an array object as described in options, with the parameter data


Include the necessary files stated in Requirements i.e.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/flexsort.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/flexsort.css"> 

Will work on all flexbox-based tables, where each row has an identical number of columns with corresponding identical classes. The basic HTML structure is:

<div class="mytable">   <div class="table-row header">     <div class="column name">Name</div>     <div class="column price">Price</div>     <div class="column qty">Qty</div>   </div>   <div class="table-row">     <div class="column name">Rock</div>     <div class="column price">$1.99</div>     <div class="column qty">5</div>   </div>   <div class="table-row">     <div class="column name">Paper</div>     <div class="column price">$0.99</div>     <div class="column qty">11</div>   </div>   <div class="table-row">     <div class="column name">Scissors</div>     <div class="column price">$2.99</div>     <div class="column qty">15</div>   </div> </div> 

Initialise the plugin on your table:

$(document).ready(function(){   $("#myTable").flexsort(); }); 

You can now click on any header column and it will sort the table based on that column's values!


There are a number of options that can be passed to flexsort in order to alter the functionality. Options are included in the initialisation of your table in the following format.

$(document).ready(function(){   $("#myTable").flexsort({optionName: 'value'}); }); 

The current valid option parameters are as follows:

OptionName Description Valid Parameters
row_name Defaults to 'table-row', used to denote the div.class of each row in your table Any valid class name
column_name Defaults to 'column', used to denote the div.class of each column within the rows of your table Any valid class name
header_row_class Defaults to 'header', used to denote the div.class of your header row Any valid class name
columns Denotes which columns are sortable within the table. Defaults to allow all columns An array of the class names of individual columns, e.g. ["name", "age"]
data Adds extra data to the table, in addition to what exists already in the HTML A 2D Array of values, where each inner array is a row of data, e.g. [["Robert",25,"Male"],["Dave",33,"Female"]]

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