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Just another jQuery based WYSIWYG markdown editor that features instant preview, customizable editor bar and multiple instance on one page.

editor WYSIWYG-Editor markdown-editor


jQuery Markdown live

Minimalist but customizable jQuery markdown editor with live preview




bower install jquery-markdown-live 

###Configuration Editor bar can be set with HTML only (look demo.html for more customization examples)

<ul class="bar">     <li title="Bold" data-before="**" data-after="**" data-placeholder="some text in bold">         <i class="fa fa-bold"></i>     </li>     <li title="Italics" data-before="*" data-after="*" data-placeholder="some text in italic">         <i class="fa fa-italic"></i>     </li>     <li title="Link" data-before="[ " data-after="](http:// &quot;Link title&quot;)" data-placeholder="link">         <i class="fa fa-link"></i>     </li>     <li title="Image" data-before="![Alt text](" data-after=")" data-placeholder="http://">         <i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>     </li> </ul> 

Setup your preview html :

<div class="preview"></div> 

Setup your texarea html :
data-bar : class of the bar to get events
data-preview : class to target the preview

<textarea data-bar=".bar" data-preview=".preview"></textarea> 

Init the editor :


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