#Textifyed A simple jQuery plug-in with TinyMCE support which helps you manage textareas on the page.
##Usage Textifyed is very easy to use. Set up the html syntax like the example below.
<div class="containerDiv"></div> <textarea id="txtDescription"></textarea> <a href="#" class="btnDone">Done</a> <a href="#" class="btnCancel">Cancel</a>
##Initialization Initialize textify by the following code
var textifyed = require('textifyed'); $('textarea').textfiyed({text: '', div: '.containerDiv'});
##Options Textifyed allows you to pass in various options
###trigger The event that will be used to toggle the visibility of textarea. Default is 'click'.
###placeholder The placeholder text to be displayed if the no text is entered. Defaults to 'Click to add text..'
###text The text to be displayed in the div and textarea.
###div The div which will be used by the plug-in.
###Editor The TinyMCE Editor constructor which will be used to create rich text experience. If no Editor instance is passed then the default textarea behavior will be used.
##Events Textifyed uses an event based system to communicate with other modules. All the events are namespaced to avoid conflicts with other libraries ###textify:notesDivClick Triggered when the div is clicked.
###textify:done Triggered when the done button is clicked.
###textify:cancel Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.
##Demo Please visit http://idesi.github.io/textifyed/ for a live demo and futher code examples