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An easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to display your Google Plus photos or Youtube videos in a fully loaded, responsive content gallery.

Youtube photo-gallery Google-Plus



Simple jQuery Google Plus Image Gallery

<html> 	<head> 		<title>Google+ Image Gallery </title> 		<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>		 		<script type="text/javascript" src="exceptioPhotoGallery.js"></script>		 		<script type="text/javascript">		 		$(document).ready(function(){ 			/* 			var defaultOptions = { 				type : 'photo', //youtube or photo	 				galleryWidth : '100%', //element width 				wrapClass : null, //if you wish to add additional class in wrapper		 				galleryUserId : 'azc.pavel@gmail.com', //your google id or youtube playlist id 				emptyMessage : 'No Content Found', //Show message if no content found 				hideContent : [], // album/youtube title to hide eg. ["x","y","z"] 				galleryUserApiKey : '', //google console api key 				photoCommentsCSS : {'margin':'0 auto','width':'60%','text-align':'left'}, 				photoViewMainDivNextText : 'Next', //next selector text 				photoViewMainDivNextClass : '', //next selector class 				photoViewMainDivPrevText : 'Prev', //prev selector text 				photoViewMainDivPrevClass : '', //next selector class 				albumRootText: 'Exceptio Google Gallery', //root gallery text 				albumBreadcrumbCSS: {}, //album breadcrumb css 				albumBreadcrumbArrow: '<span> &lt;= </span>', //album breadcrumb arrow 				albumBreadcrumbSpanCSS: {'color':'#000','cursor':'pointer'}, //album breadcrumb span css 				albumTitleCSS: '', //album title css		 				backgroundAlbum: 'rgb(0,0,0)', //album background color 				backgroundAlbumHover: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)', //album hover background color 				backgroundGallery: 'rgb(0,0,0)', //gallery background color 				backgroundPopup: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)', //item popup background color		 				photoPreviewCloseText : 'Close&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', //photo preview close text 				hideMoreThen : 0, //you can define number of album load in first place 				hideMoreThenBack : 0, //backup navigation defaults value 				loadingImage : 'loader.gif', //you can define imagepath with name 				loadMoreText : 'Load More..', //text for load more options 				loadLessText : 'Load Less..', //text for load more options 				loadMoreCSS : {'cursor':'pointer'}, //css for load more options 				onGalleryEnter : function(){}, //exec before Gallery Show 				onGalleryPhoto : function(){} //exec after Photo Show 			} 			*/  			$('.test').exceptioGoogleGallery({ 				'galleryUserId' : 'azc.pavel@gmail.com' // Your Google ID 			}); 			 		});			 		</script> 	</head>	 	<body> 		<div class="test"></div> 	</body> </html>  

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