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KBmodal is a fully responsive modal plugin for jQuery that displays images, galleries, Youtube videos, and even HTML contents in a popup overlay.

Modal Youtube gallery-lightbox image-lightbox



JavaScript library for displaying popup modals including images, galleries, youtube iframes or custom HTML content. Fully responsive.


inside docs catalog in repo https://mrkariox.github.io/KBmodal/


  1. First add jQuery library to your document (tested on jquery-3.3.1).
  2. Include font awesome library for gallery icons ()
  3. Then add JS and CSS/SCSS files to your project (from inc repo catalog)

Creating image modal:

<div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="src_to_full_size_image">     //content (img or anything else)     <img src="src_to_thumbnail_image"> </div> 

Creating gallery modal:

User can use arrows (left, right) to navigate through gallery and esc key to leave gallery

<div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="src_to_full_size_image" data-content-type="gallery" data-content-gallery="unique_for_this_gallery_id_same_for_all_images">     //content (img or anything else)     <img src="src_to_thumbnail_image"> </div> <div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="src_to_full_size_image" data-content-type="gallery" data-content-gallery="unique_for_this_gallery_id_same_for_all_images">     //content (img or anything else)     <img src="src_to_thumbnail_image"> </div> <div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="src_to_full_size_image" data-content-type="gallery" data-content-gallery="unique_for_this_gallery_id_same_for_all_images">     //content (img or anything else)     <img src="src_to_thumbnail_image"> </div> 

Creating Youtube modal:

<div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="https://youtu.be/EJQaKf3txVg" data-content-type="yt">     //content (img or anything else)     <img src="src_to_thumbnail_image"> </div> 

Creating custom HTML modal:

<div class="KBmodal" data-content-url="insert_your_html_code_here" data-content-type="html">     //content (img or anything else) </div> 

Using modal through JS:

var content = '<a href="/link"><img src="url_to_img"></a>'; generateKBmodal(content, 'html', undefined, undefined); 

Using modal through JS (modal not closeable):

var content = '<a href="/link"><img src="url_to_img"></a>'; generateKBmodal(content, 'html', undefined, undefined, "1"); 

And to close modal use:

KBcloseAction(undefined, true); 

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