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TinySelect is a small yet powerful jQuery plugin used to enhance the default select box with the support of live filtering and remote data source via AJAX requests.




Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

Tiny jquery select component with ajax on demand loading and filtering.

Construction options:

option description
showSearch Show search box
searchCaseSensitive Is search case sensitive (true / false)
txtLoading Text to show while loading ajax request
txtAjaxFailure Text to show, if ajax loading fails
dataUrl URL where to load content. If value is not set, plugin reads content from select element
dataParser Custom function to parse data from ajax request

Usage example

$("#selectElementId").tinyselect({ 	showSearch: true, 	txtLoading: "Loading..." }); 

Ajax data format

Plugin expects data to be array of objects. Each object should contain attributes 'val' and 'text'. Object can also contain attributes 'selected: true', which selects the element.

Compiling the plugin from source

Run the following commands:

  • npm install
  • grunt test
    • This step is optional
  • grunt

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