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Select Boxes is a jQuery plugin which converts select options into singe- or multi-row selectable boxes with custom icons for easier item selection.



Select Boxes

A jquery plugin that replace traditional default select dropdown to selectable boxes.


  1. single select
  2. options for defining rows, per row items, to show select box or hide it.
  3. support for font awesom or glyphicons

####Pending Work

  1. Make it responsive
  2. Multi select support
  3. Proper alignment of text field

How To

  1. Include
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="selectboxes.css"> 	<script src="libs/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script> 	<script src="selectboxes.js"></script>
  1. Initiate
	<select class="pwn-boxes form-control"> 		<option value="Cake" pwnicon="fa fa-birthday-cake">Cake</option> 		<option value="Coffe" pwnicon="fa fa-coffee">Coffe</option> 		<option value="Bear" pwnicon="fa fa-beer">Bear</option> 		<option value="Wine" pwnicon="fa fa-vine">Wine</option> 		<option value="Omlet" pwnicon="fa fa-cutlery">Omlet</option> 		<option value="Pizza" pwnicon="fa fa-bullseye">Pizza</option> 	</select>
	// 2 row with each row 4 element 	$('.pwn-boxes').pwnselectboxes({ 		rows : 2, // no of rows to show for select option 		selecthide : false 	}); 	// single row 	$('.pwn-boxe').pwnselectboxes({ 		selecthide : false, // to show related select box, default it hide 		perrow: 8 // per row element count 	});
  1. For custom icons In select box option tag add "pwnicon" attribute and set the class for either font-awesom or glyph-icons or your custom class for icons.

Screen Shot

Alt text

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