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An easy modal component for Vue.js, inspired by the Bootstrap framework.

Modal _Popup



Bootstrap style modal component for vue.


import Bootstrap.css

<link href="bootstrap.css"></link> 

NOTE: By default, the modal style is pure bootstrap style, you can use any 3rd party bootstrap framework, like above GIF.

simple options:

<!--text content--> <modal title="Modal Title" :show.sync="show" @ok="ok" @cancel="cancel">     Modal Text </modal>  <!--custom content--> <modal title="Modal Title" :show.sync="show" @ok="ok" @cancel="cancel">     <div>Modal Body</div>          <div slot="header">Modal Header</div>     <div slot="title">Modal Title</div>     <div slot="footer">Modal Footer</div> </modal> 


props: {     show: {         type: Boolean,         twoWay: true,         default: false     },     title: {         type: String,         default: 'Modal'     },     // Bootstrap small style modal     small: {         type: Boolean,         default: false     },     // Bootstrap large style modal     large: {         type: Boolean,         default: false     },     // Bootstrap full style modal         full: {         type: Boolean,         default: false     },     // if it set false, click background will close modal      force: {         type: Boolean,         default: false     },     // vue transition name     transition: {         type: String,         default: 'modal'     },     // [OK button] text     okText: {         type: String,         default: 'OK'     },     // [Cancel button] text     cancelText: {         type: String,         default: 'Cancel'     },     // [OK button] className     okClass: {         type: String,         default: 'btn blue'     },     // [Cancel button] className     cancelClass: {         type: String,         default: 'btn red btn-outline'     },     // automatically close when click [OK button]     closeWhenOK: {         type: Boolean,         default: false     } }



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