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A simple and small vue component for bootstrap 4 modal.

Modal _Popup


Vue Bootstrap modal

A simple and small vue component for bootstrap 4 modal.

Written with es6, it is your responsibility to ensure you support it. Use babel to compile es6 to es5 or lower.


Install via npm:

$ npm install vue-bootstrap4-modal 

Bootstrap styling for modals is required to be included. jQuery must be provided globally on the page this component is used on. If you are compiling via webpack, make sure you Provide jquery, for instance:

// webpack.config.js  //...   plugins: [     new webpack.ProvidePlugin({       jQuery: 'jquery'     }),   ] //... 

Remember to make sure the css for bootstrap is included in your webpage.




A simple example:

<template>     <div class="page">         <bs-modal v-show="this.showModal" v-bind:on-open="this.handleOpen" v-bind:on-close="this.handleClose">             Some content displayed in the modal.                          <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" v-on:click="this.toggleModal" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>         </bs-modal>                  <button v-on:click="this.toggleModal">Toggle modal</button>     </div> </template>  <script> import ModalComponent from 'vue-bootstrap4-modal'  export default {     components: {         'bs-modal': ModalComponent     },          data() {         return {             showModal: false         }     },          methods: {         toggleModal() {             this.showModal = ! this.showModal         },          handleOpen() {             console.log('Modal is about to open.');         },          handleClose() {             console.log('Modal has closed.');                          this.showModal = false         }     } } </script>

See live example here: https://hultberg.github.io/vue-bootstrap-modal/


This package supports callback when modal opens and closes. These props expects the values to be a function. Example:

<template>     <div class="page">         <bs-modal v-show="this.showModal" v-bind:on-open="this.handleOpen" v-bind:on-close="this.handleClose">             Some content displayed in the modal.         </bs-modal>     </div> </template>  <script> import ModalComponent from 'vue-bootstrap-modal'  export default {     components: {         'bs-modal': ModalComponent     },          data() {         return {             showModal: false         }     },          methods: {         handleOpen() {             // Code to handle the opening of the modal.         },                  handleClose() {             // Code to handle the closing of the modal.         }     } } </script>

The open callback is called BEFORE the modal is opened by jquery and bootstrap.

The close callback is called AFTER the modal is closed by jquery and bootstrap.


To develop this package, install node dependencies with yarn:

$ yarn 



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