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24 VueJs Layout Components

Are you looking for VueJs Layout Components If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 24 VueJs Layout Components for you. you can choose any of following VueJs Layout Components which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated VueJs Layout Components.

A Vue.js component for create a draggable and resizable grid layout, inspired by Gridster......

Vue Metro Tile is a Vue component for building Windows 10 like metro layout in modern browser......
Featured Layout

This is a Vue.js equal height plugin that provides a quick and easy method of setting element heights to be the same......

vue2-waterfall is a Masonry-style fluid grid layout for Vue.js applications......

Yet another vue.js component to create a drag’n’drop split layout for your app......

A drag-and-drop mobile website builder base on Vue......

The vue-block-system library lets you easily create block based websites. It uses the vue-transition-component to handle all component transitions......

This is a responsive grid system for Vue.js 2.x app that supports smooth sorting, drag-n-drop, and reordering......
Featured Layout

This is a Vue.js 2 component to create draggable, horizontal and vertical split layout......

A magic responsive grid layout for vue.js app......

A new masonry component powered by CSS to be fast loading and free of jQuery or other dependencies. Build specifically for Vue.js projects......

A simple, flexible and easy to use Vue plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites). No jQuery needed, pure Vanilla js......
Animation Layout

vue-multipane is a Vue.js component to create responsive, resizable, horizontal/vertical split panels......

vue-block is a Vue plugin helping you build CSS grid-like layout system with the support of old browser like IE9......

A Vue.js 2+ component for rendering a responsive, cross-platform, Pinterest-like layout in the web application......

A flow grid component for Vue.js that lets you create responsive, dynamic, fluid grid layout......

Flexbox based responsive fraction grid system for Vue.js.....

Synchronized multiple columns element implemented in Vue.js......

Vue.js directive for masonry blocks layouting......

A Vue.js component that lets you create Pinterest-style fluid, responsive, dynamic grid system for your web project......

Yet another Masonry gallery layout component for Vue.js that comes with a fancy hover effect for details......

A flexbox grid system for Vue.js app......

vue-sticky-directive is a powerful vue directive make element sticky......

Splitpanes is a Vue JS reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer......