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Yet another Twitter sharing plugin for jQuery (less than 1kb) that automatically generates Twitter share links to tweet/share pieces of text within your article.

social-share twitter tweet



Turn any div into a tweetable quote

A javascript snippet which turns any div with the class tweetthis into a tweetable quote - complete with a link back to the source page.


Tweetthis.js was extracted from QueryTree, so relies on the same prerequisites we used there;

  • Bootstrap - button styling
  • Font Awesome - for the Twitter icon


  1. Include tweetthis.js or paste into the body of the page
  2. Add a tweetthis class to the relevant div
  3. Optionally add styles to .btn-tweetthis in your CSS as needed


Made with ♥ by @d4software â€¢ MIT Licence

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