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Selection Sharer is a mobile-friendly jQuery social share plugin for displaying a floating popover that allows to share highlighted/selected text on Twitter or via Email.




Popover menu to share on Twitter or by email any text selected on the page with support for mobile devices (with a popunder).

selection sharer screenshot

How to add it to your site

This script requires jQuery so make sure you have it loaded on your page.

Add the stylesheet in the <head> of your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/selection-sharer.css" /> 

and add the Javascript at the bottom of your page near the closing </body> tag:

<script src="dist/selection-sharer.js"></script> <script> $('p').selectionSharer(); </script> 

If you want to add Facebook share, please make sure that your page has a Facebook App ID meta tag:

<meta property="fb:app_id" content="123456789" /> 

The url shared can be set using the og:url tag:

<meta property="og:url" content="http://your.url/to/share" /> 

Or if you are using requirejs, you can do:

require(["dist/selection-sharer"], function(SelectionSharer) {   var sharer = new SelectionSharer();   selectionSharer.setElements('p'); // bind mouseup event to all <p> elements }); 

Or more simply:


That's it.

For Webpack

Note : This package has a peer dependency on jQuery so it expects jQuery to already be available in your page or in your bundling step.

Without CSS bundling

var Selection = require('selection-sharer'); var selection = new Selection('p');

With CSS bundling

require('selection-sharer/dist/selection-sharer.css'); var Selection = require('selection-sharer'); var selection = new Selection('p');

For Browserify

var Selection = require('selection-sharer'); var selection = new Selection('p');

Note: Browserify does not do css bundling so you would have to resort to package like browserify-css

Please let me know if you install this script on your site. Just star this repo and ping me on Twitter @xdamman. Thank you!


  • Images are included inline in the CSS as SVG (perfect for Retina displays, loading time and to easily create new color schemes)
  • Total size gzipped minified: 3.5K (equally split between css and javascript)


There is a demos/ directory with some examples using jquery, requirejs or simple javascript.

You can also try it directly on my blog on http://xdamman.com.

Bookmarklet version

Add a new bookmark to your bookmark bar, edit its url and copy paste the following code:

javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src="//xdamman.github.io/selection-sharer/lib/selection-sharer/dist/bookmarklet.js";document.body.appendChild(s);})() 


To recompile the minified versions of the css and javascript in the dist/ directory, simply run:

npm build 

Other Builds

For Ruby On Rails applications you can use selection-sharer gem. We have a gem with selection-sharer js build and it is very easy to use. https://rubygems.org/gems/selection-sharer

gem 'selection-sharer' 


This is still early days so there is still a lot to do and I welcome contributions.



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