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socialLinkBuilder is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to generate social share links with SVG based social icons on the webpage.



THIS PACKAGE IS NOW ABANDONED, PLEASE USE https://github.com/zeraphie/socialLinks INSTEAD


A jQuery Plugin that builds the social links for you


A small demo with minimalistic styles can be accessed here: http://codepen.io/zephyr/pen/RRPpJy


Install with bower

bower install social-link-builder



Adds all of the social icons, without email and telephone.

$(document).ready(function(){     $('.social').socialLinkBuilder(); });

Removing an icon

Currently all the supported social medias are:

  • facebook - Facebook
  • twitter - Twitter
  • linkedin - LinkedIn
  • gplus - Google Plus

To remove the icon, use the label for the social media and set the isUsed property to false as below.

$(document).ready(function(){     $('.social').socialLinkBuilder({         facebook: {             isUsed: false         }     }); });

Extra Links

Email, Telephone and Print links are disabled by default, but if you would like to use them, set the isUsed property to true AND add the mailto and/or tel properties respectively as shown below.

$(document).ready(function(){     $('.social').socialLinkBuilder({         print: {             isUsed: true         },         email: {             isUsed: true,             mailto: 'example@example.example'         },         tel: {             isUsed: true,             tel: '0123456789'         }     }); });

The svg property

All the media services as well as the email and telephone links have an svg property which is appended to the link. This means that you can override the svg with a custom svg or some text if you'd like.

Note: This cannot be empty if you want to override it, it will default to the svg

$(document).ready(function(){     $('.social').socialLinkBuilder({         facebook: {             svg: 'Custom Text'         }     }); });

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