containerPlus is a jQuery plugin for creating full featured overlayed windows, similar to the modal boxes. The overlayed window is fully skinnable and can be set to be draggable, resizable, collapsible and minimizable.
Basic jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Mirekbenes Modal
Simple HTML5 Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - h5-lightbox
Simple jQuery Modal & Dialog Box Plugin - Dialog
Minimal Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Pop Up Window
Simple jQuery Any Content Lightbox Plugin - jLightbox
Clean and Powerful jQuery Lightbox Plugin - ClassyLightbox
jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Modal Dialog - Long Dialog
Responsive Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin - flexModal
Simple Clean jQuery Scrollable Modal Dialog Plugin - Tiny Modal
Creating A Simple Animated Modal with jQuery and jQuery UI - ModalWindow
Lightweight & Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin - WS Lightbox
Simple and Highly Configurable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - smartModal
Lightweight Responsive jQuery & CSS3 Modal Plugin - LiteBox
Light & Animated jQuery Modal Window Plugin - JUI Modals
Bootstrap Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
Minimal jQuery Fading Modal Popup Plugin - Poppy
Simple Clean jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Animations
Responsive & Auto-Centering Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - egrModal
jQuery Plugin For Popup Windows In A Specific Area - Area Popup
Fashion Responsive jQuery Lightbox Gallery Plugin - cm-overlay.js
Animated & Responsive Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3 - Expose Modal
jQuery Plugin For Creating Customizable Modal Popups - Flythat
Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal
Fully Responsive & Customizable jQuery Modal Plugin - PgwModal
jQuery Plugin For Smart Exit Pop Behaviour - Exit Popup
Simple jQuery Popup Plugin with Easing Effects - Infobox
Basic Responsive jQuery Popup Winwos Plugin - maskui
Create A 3D Perspective Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
Versatile & Flexible jQuery Lightbox/Modal Plugin - Popup
jQuery Plugin To Create A Full Page Sliding Panel - Slide Over
Easy Semantic Modal Window Plugin For jQuery - semanticwp
Lightweight Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery - quickModal
Simple Modal Window with Blurred Background Using jQuery and CSS3
Fullscreen jQuery Modal Box with Button Morph Animation
jQuery Plugin For Popup Window with Morphing Button - Morph Button
Minimalist jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - Overlay
Easy jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - dialog.js
Stylish Animated Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
Quick & Simple LightBox Plugin For jQuery - Boxer
Minimal Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - modal.js
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Modal Window Plugin
Simple Adaptive Popup Window Plugin with jQuery - MiniPopup
Modal-Like Sliding Panel with jQuery and CSS3
Super Simple Modal Popups with jQuery and CSS3 Transitions
Google-Style Photo Wall Gallery Plugin For jQuery - photowall
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
Super Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - Overlay
Create Multi-level Bootstrap Modals Using jQuery Submodal.js
Basic Modal & Popup Plugin with jQuery - stepframemodal
Animated Fullscreen Modal Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Modalica
Simple Responsive jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Baze Modal
Simple jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile Message Box Plugin
Minimal Responsive Gallery Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - iLightbox
Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - bPopup
Simple Sliding Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - cosyModal
Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert
Minimal AJAX Modal/Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
Simple Lightweight Modal Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - uiblock
jQuery & GSAP Based Modal Window with Motion Blur Effect
Basic Responsive Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - simplePopup
Customizable Popup Notification Plugin with jQuery - pop.js
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
CSS3 Animated Custom Alert Box Plugin For jQuery - WOW Alert
Creating A Image Viewer with Descriptions Like Facebook - jQuery FBPhotoBox
Morphing Material Design Modal with jQuery and CSS3
Simple Pretty jQuery Message Box Plugin - messageBox
Simple Plain jQuery Modal Plugin - Lalien Modal Window
Lightweight Responsive jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - modality
Simple Themable Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - basicPopup