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jQuery dropdownCheckboxes is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that helps you create a multi-select dropdown list with checkboxes using Bootstrap styles.

Bootstrap Drop-Down-list



A jQuery plugin that turns a bootstrap dropdown component into a compact multi-select button input that yields selected values as a hidden input with a urlencoded JSON array as its value.


CDN includes

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://33d73a22f4b6dc792776-9396d99e5006374ffc15abe9d6ae8e26.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/dropdownCheckboxes-cdn.min.css"> <script src="https://33d73a22f4b6dc792776-9396d99e5006374ffc15abe9d6ae8e26.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/dropdownCheckboxes.min.js"></script> 



All of the config is in the markup. See the example for details.

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