A jQuery based Date Duration Calculator that displays the number of days, weeks, months and years between two dates you specify.
Demo: https://serghuber.github.io/date-calculator
Simple Animated jQuery Calendar Plugin with Bootstrap - SuperCal
Highly Configurable jQuery Table of Contents Plugin - TocJS
Creating A Weather Forecast Web App With jQuery searchWeather Plugin -
Minimal Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - bootbar
Lightweight jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin - Simple Photo Gallery
jQuery Plugin To Convert Radio Buttons Into Grouped Buttons - radiosforbuttons
Responsive & Modular Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Moodular
Simple Bar Chart Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - jchart
Animated Tree View Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - MultiNestedLists
jQuery File Input Replacement Plugin with Image Preview - File Picker
Simple Data Grid/Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Horizontally Scrollable Image Carousel Plugin with jQuery
Nice File Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - File Tree
Bootstrap Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
Full Width Responsive Carousel with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
Lightweight Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - jbootvalidator
jQuery Editable Data Table with Custom Fields
jQuery and Bootstrap Based Carousel with Image Annotations
Easy Stylable jQuery Tags Input Plugin - Tag Input
Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery and Bootstrap
Smart jQuery Scrolling Navigation Bar Plugin - Scroll Nav
Efficient Dual List Box Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Nice Dropdown Mega Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap
Simple jQuery Calendar and Schedule Plugin For Bootstrap - Bic Calendar
Beautiful Html5 Todo App using jQuery and Bootstrap - listo
Login Form Validation Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Building An Vertical Tabs Widget using jQuery and Bootstrap 3
Dynamic Notifications Using jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Message
Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
Create Multi-level Bootstrap Modals Using jQuery Submodal.js
Simple Image Viewer with jQuery and Bootstrap - imagebox
Responsive & Scalable Bootstrap Tabs Enhancement Plugin with jQuery
Simple Lightweight Modal Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - uiblock
Create A Pretty Mega Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap
Powerful Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3
Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
iPod Style Drilldown Menu With jQuery and Bootstrap
Create An Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and Bootstrap
jQuery Plugin To Search, Filter and Sort Html Table - pbTable
Mobile-friendly Responsive Bootstrap Table with jQuery
Simple Accordion Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap
jQuery & Bootstrap Based Carousel with Thumbnails Navigation
Minimal Context Menu Plugin For jQuery / Bootstrap
jQuery Plugin For Multi-column Table Sorting and Filtering - Dynamitable
jQuery Plugin For Expandable Bootstrap Table Rows
Simple Flexible jQuery Powered Form Validator
Simple Wizard Modal Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Easy Wizard
Lightweight jQuery Text Truncation & Tooltip Plugin - EllipsisTooltip
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Handling Bootstrap Alerts - BS3 Alerts
Expanding Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Vertical Menu
jQuery & Bootstrap Based Tags Input Plugin with Categorized Suggestions - Octofilter
Basic Todo List App using jQuery, Bootstrap and localStorage
Simple Pagination Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - Simple Pagination
Responsive jQuery Off-canvas Menu For Bootstrap
Minimal Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Creating Collapsible Bootstrap Sidebars with jQuery and CSS
jQuery Plugin For Handling Bootstrap Alerts - Inflop
jQuery Plugin For Manipulating Bootstrap Modals - pModal
Generating A Bootstrap From JSON Using jQuery - Rachel
jQuery & CSS3 Off-canvas Push Menu For Bootstrap 3
Touch-enabled jQuery Carousel Slider For Bootstrap - Bootslider
Slick Password Strength Indicator with jQuery and Bootstrap - BootstrapStrength.js
Youtube Video Modal with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - YTModal
Basic Growl-style Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Based Data Table - Bootstrap Data Table
jQuery Plugin To Create Collapsible Bootstrap Tables - Bootstrap TreeFy
Easy DatePicker Plugin For Bootstrap - bootstrapDatepickr
MS Word Style WYSIWYG Editor with jQuery and Bootstrap - A4 WYSIWYG Editor
Easy Image Lightbox Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - bootstraplightbox
Lightweight jQuery Confirmation Modal For Bootstrap