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Yet another jQuery based smooth scroll plugin for creating a configurable scroll animation when you switch between content sections with anchor links.

smooth-scroll scrolling


jQuery Anchorlink

A JavaScript library to handle JavaScript scrolling when clicking on internal anchors incl. URL updates. It also moves the focus to the link destination to assure keyboard navigation.

How to use

$('a[href^="#"][href!="#"]').anchorlink({   timer : 500,   scrollOnLoad : true,   offsetTop : 0,   focusClass : 'js-focus',   beforeScroll: function() {},   afterScroll : function() {} });


Name Default Description
scrollStopEvent scroll.anchorlink mousedown.anchorlink wheel.anchorlink DOMMouseScroll.anchorlink mousewheel.anchorlink events to listen to while scrolling to abort the scroll animation
timer 500 scroll time in ms
scrollOnLoad true scroll to hash in URL when loading the page
offsetTop 0 offset between scroll destination and top of the screen in px. < 0 before destination; > 0 after destination; can either be a number or a function returning a number
focusClass 'js-focus' class that is added to thee scroll destination; usable to remove unwanted browser focus styles
beforeScroll function() {} function to be executed before the scroll calculation and animation is started
afterScroll function() {} function to be executed after the scroll animation is done

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