Parachute JS - jQuery smooth scrolling/parallax Download
;(function ($ ){ /* -------------------- window ready -------------------- */ $ (window ).ready (function (){ /* -------------------- page setup -------------------- */ Parachute .page ({ scrollContainer: ' #scrollContainer' , heightContainer: ' #fakeScrollContainer' }); /* -------------------- parallax -------------------- */ Parachute .parallax ({ element: ' .js-parallax-1' , pxToMove: - 400 // topTriggerOffset: 200 }); Parachute .parallax ({ element: ' .js-parallax-2' , pxToMove: - 200 }); // accepts array of selectors // Parachute.parallax({ // element: ['.js-parallax-2', '.js-parallax-1'], // pxToMove: -200 // }); /* -------------------- sequence/trigger -------------------- */ Parachute .sequence ({ element: ' .js-parallax-1' , callback : function (active ) { if (active) { $ (this .$element ).addClass (' test' ); } else { $ (this .$element ).removeClass (' test' ); } } }); // accepts array of selectors // Parachute.sequence({ // element: ['.js-parallax-1', '.js-parallax-2'], // callback: function(active) { // if (active) { // $(this.$element).addClass('test'); // } else { // $(this.$element).removeClass('test'); // } // } // }); /* -------------------- init -------------------- */ Parachute .init (); }); })(jQuery);