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RowScroll is a super tiny (~2k minified) jQuery plugin which provides smooth vertical scrolling effects for your one page website and single page applications.

smooth-scroll One-Page-Scrolling



Super tiny (1.5kb) jQuery plugin script that automatically scrolls visitors up and down to different vertical sections of your webpage when they use their mouse scroll wheels, track pads, and finger swipes on mobile devices.

NOTE: As of v1.1.1, RowScroll now (kinda) supports touch swipe events on mobile devices. Working on tightening that up. Sweet!

EXTRA NOTE: While RowScroll works pretty well, you might also check out fullPage.js as an alternative. It's a slightly larger file (25 KB), but it's also more stable and has extra features.


RowScroll is completely free for personal and commercial end-use, and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.


RowScroll relies on jQuery and the jQuery Mousewheel plugin to be loaded before it. Both are available via CDN or as downloadable files.

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-mousewheel/3.1.13/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <script src="your/path/to/rowScroll.min.js"></script> 


Just add a scroll-target class to every row/container element you want to be in the auto-scroll sequence. The containers can be anything: divs, sections, doesn't matter.

Heights can vary, too. Can be full-window (100vh) or a fixed pixel height, or unspecified. And they don't all have to be the same height, they can be whatever.

Page Example

<body>   <header class="scroll-target">     ... site banner, nav, etc ...   </header>   <main>     <section class="scroll-target hero-panel"> ... </section>     <section class="scroll-target features-panel"> ... </section>     <section class="scroll-target testimonials-panel"> ... </section>     <section class="scroll-target pricing-panel"> ... </section>   </main>   <footer class="scroll-target">     ... site links, contact info, etc ...   </footer>   <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>   <script src="path/to/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>   <script src="path/to/rowScroll.min.js"></script> </body> 


There are 3 customizable properties:

Scroll Targets
Default: .scroll-target
This is the jQuery selector ( example: $('.scroll-target') ) that will target all of the elements to be in the auto-scroll sequence.

Scroll Speed
Default: 400 (milliseconds)
If you want the auto-scrolling to be faster, decrease this number (try 200). If you want the auto-scrolling to be slower, increase it (try 1000).

Wiggle Room
Default: 10 (pixels)
This is less obvious, but what I noticed about other auto-scroller scripts is that they sometimes didn't work, because different browsers's (mainly Firefox's) calculations of where a container started were a little bit off. If you find that your scrolls stop working after the first (or any) scroll instance, try increasing this value and see if that fixes it.

Browser Support

Tested on Chrome (Mac and Windows), Firefox (Mac and Windows), IE9/10/11 (Windows), Safari (Mac), and Opera (Mac and Windows). Works on all.

Testing continues on iOS and Android mobile browsers. Kinda works on both.

Doesn't work on IE8, but doesn't cause problems either. Just doesn't auto-scroll.

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