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A dead simple, unobtrusive jQuery carousel plugin for cycling automatically through a list of images like a 3D rotator.

Carousel 3D Image-Rotator




var yourConfig = {     num: 3, //要显示的数量,应该是个奇数     maxWidth: 250, //代表中央图片的宽度     maxHeight: 150, //中央图片的高度     autoPlay: true, //是否自动滚动播放     showTime: 1000, //autoPlay为true时这个属性才有用     animationTime: 300, //     scale: 0.8,     distance: 50 }; $(selector).lunbo(yourConfig);

注意: selector应该是个容器,下面的html结构应该是ul li img的形式:

<div class='container'> 	<ul> 		<li> <img src=''></li> 		<li> <img src=''></li> 	</ul> </div>

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