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rotataDiz is a simple lightweight jQuery carousel plugin that allows you to rotate a set of images with CSS3 transitions and transforms.

Carousel cover-flow



jquery plugin to create a 360 degree rotating carousel


How to use:

a) Include script in your page preferably before the end of body tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.rotataDiz.min.js"></script> 

b) Include the css file

<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> 

c) place each images inside div having class 'eachBit'

<div id="rotata"> 	<div class="eachBit"><img src="images/colored_eggs.jpg"/></div> 	<div class="eachBit rty"><img src="images/rabbits3602.jpg"/></div> 	<div class="eachBit"><img src="images/springcrocus4906.jpg"/></div> 	<div class="eachBit"><img src="images/woolchicks5061.jpg"/></div> 	<div class="eachBit"><img src="images/spring_lamb.jpg"/></div> 	<div class="eachBit rty"><img src="images/speckled_egg_nest.jpg"/></div> </div> 

d) call rotataDiz when dom is ready

<script type="text/javascript"> 	$(document).ready(function() { 		$('#rotata').rotata({'transitionTime':'1s','autoPlay':false}); 	}); </script> 


  1. autoPlay - whether you want the carousel to auto rotate or not (false by default, true for autorotate)
  2. circleRad - radius of circle
  3. transitionTime - default 1s , transition time between one movement

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