Inspired by http://progressed.io/bar/28?title=progress, I create this very simple progress bar plugin. Not like the link I provided, this plugin required no internet access, so you can use it where the internet access is limited.
I just simplly provide some options:
var settings = {
width: 90, // the width of bar
height: 20, // the height of bar
percent: 0, // the current percent
backgroundColor: '#555', // the color of the background
barColor: '#d9534f', // the color of the bar
radius: 4, // the radius of the corner
fontSize: 12, // the font size
fontColor: '#fff', // the color of the number<br/? increaseTime: 1000.00/60.00, // the animation increase time, each increase time the bar will change increaseSpeed length
increaseSpeed: 1, // the increase length
animate: true // whether to use animation
You can check the demo I provided in this github to see how it works.