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The FormProgressBar jQuery plugin creates a sticky, animated, auto-update progress bar (with or without percentage values) to indicate how many required form fields have been filled out.



Form Progress Bar jQuery plugin

alt text

-Plugin adding progress bar on top to the page, which show how much fields you fill which are required.

-Modules works with validation libraries

Live Demo

You can preview this plugin on: https://wokay.me/projects/progressBar/

Quick Start

Import needed files

<script   src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"   integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script>      /* plugin files */ <link rel="stylesheet" href="formProgressBar.css"> <script src="formProgressBar.jquery.min.js"></script> 

Init form



readCount:true|false - If you turn on this option, form will be use classes to count correct fields. If you use Validator libraries, choice this option.

validClass:'string' - It's class used by validator to show that field is correct filled. If you enabled readCount progress will be based on valicClass. Default class is "valid"

invalidClass:'string' - This same rule, if field become invalid, progress bar change color. Class "error" is default.

percentCounting: true|false - If you want show in percent how much fields from required are filled correct you can enable this option

height: 'int' in pixel - Set height in pixel of progress bar

transitionTime: 'int' in milliseconds - If you want add animation to move progress bar and changing color, set transitionTime to some number in miliseconds

transitionType: ease|linear|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out if you set transitionTime you can set how transition should looks like

parentElement: 'string' default: body Element where progressbar html is located

Example initializate option

$("form").formProgressBar({         readCount: false,         validClass: 'valid',         invalidClass: 'error',         percentCounting: false,         height: 20,         transitionTime: 0,         transitionType: 'ease' // }); 

How color change works

There are 2 classes warn and error which are added to #jQueryProgressFormBar > div if some field is invalid to progress bar is added class warn if you have class warn and you try submit form, class is changing for error.

In case you want change color of fields use #jQueryProgressFormBar > div.warn and #jQueryProgressFormBar > div.error selector and change background


Krzysztof Łokaj "Wokay"

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