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The Bootstrap Carousel Menu plugin allows you to convert the native Bootstrap nav into a carousel-style scrolling menu with next/prev navigation.

Bootstrap scroll-menu


Bootstrap Carousel Menu 1.0

Plugin to create navigation menus with carousel effect.


  • jQuery 1.7+
  • Bootstrap 3+


Insert the following source code files in your site.

<script src="js/carousel-menu.min.js"></script> <link href="css/carousel-menu.css" rel="stylesheet">

How to use

Suppose the following example of navigation menu:

<nav role="navigation" class="navbar"> 	<div class="navbar-header"> 		<button data-target=".horizontal-menu" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" type="button"> 			<span class="sr-only">Desplegar navegación</span> 			<span class="icon-bar"></span> 			<span class="icon-bar"></span> 			<span class="icon-bar"></span> 		</button> 	</div>  	<div class="collapse navbar-collapse horizontal-menu"> 		<ul class="nav navbar-nav"> 			<li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li> 			<li><a href="#">Link #1</a></li> 			<li><a href="#submenu">Link #2</a></li> 		</ul> 		<ul class="nav navbar-nav"> 			<li class="dropdown"> 				<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Dropdown #1 <b class="caret"></b></a> 				<ul class="dropdown-menu"> 					<li><a href="#">Item #1</a></li> 					<li><a href="#">Item #2</a></li> 					<li><a href="#">Item #3</a></li> 				</ul> 			</li> 			<li><a href="#submenu">Link #3</a></li> 			<li><a href="#submenu">Link #4</a></li> 		</ul> 	</div> </nav>

Basic Use

<script> 	$(function() { 		$('nav').carouselMenu(); 	}); </script>

Customized Use

<script> 	$(function() { 		$('nav').carouselMenu({nextId: "carousel-menu-next", nextClass: "button right", prevId: "carousel-menu-prev", prevClass: "button left", height: '50px', hoverEffect: true}); 	}); </script>


nextId: Indicates the ID to the "next button" or show the options from the right (followings).

prevId: Indicates the ID to the "previous button" or show the options from the left.

nextClass: Indicates the CSS class to add into the "next" element.

prevClass: Indicates the CSS class to add into the "previous" element.

hoverEffect: Indicates if the hover effect must be enabled or not.

height: Height of navigations menu. By default is 'auto'.

duration: Duration of animations.

For more information on web design and development don't leave to visit islavisual.com.

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