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A React component for communicating between a parent window and an iframe.

Others React


React iFrame communication

A React component for communicating between a parent window and an iframe.


Live Demo: https://pbojinov.github.io/react-iframe-comm/

Or locally run:

npm install npm run storybook 

Then open http://localhost:9009/ in your browser.


The easiest way to use React Iframe Communication is to install it from NPM.

npm install react-iframe-comm --save 

At this point you can import react-iframe-comm in your application as follows:

import IframeComm from 'react-iframe-comm';


import React from "react"; import IframeComm from "react-iframe-comm";  const Demo = ({}) => {      // the html attributes to create the iframe with     // make sure you use camelCase attribute names     const attributes = {         src: "https://pbojinov.github.io/iframe-communication/iframe.html",         width: "100%",         height: "175",         frameBorder: 1, // show frame border just for fun...     };      // the postMessage data you want to send to your iframe     // it will be send after the iframe has loaded     const postMessageData = "hello iframe";      // parent received a message from iframe     const onReceiveMessage = () => {         console.log("onReceiveMessage");     };      // iframe has loaded     const onReady = () => {         console.log("onReady");     };      return (         <IframeComm             attributes={attributes}             postMessageData={postMessageData}             handleReady={onReady}             handleReceiveMessage={onReceiveMessage}         />     ); };  export default Demo; 

Configuration Options

IframeComm.propTypes = {     /*         Iframe Attributes         https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#Attributes         React Supported Attributes         https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/dom-elements.html#all-supported-html-attributes         Note: attributes are camelCase, not all lowercase as usually defined.     */     attributes: PropTypes.shape({         allowFullScreen: PropTypes.oneOfType([             PropTypes.string,             PropTypes.bool         ]),         frameBorder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),         height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),         name: PropTypes.string,         scrolling: PropTypes.string,         // https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/sandboxed-iframes/         sandbox: PropTypes.string,         srcDoc: PropTypes.string,         src: PropTypes.string.isRequired,         width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number])     }),          // Callback function called when iFrame sends the parent window a message.     handleReceiveMessage: PropTypes.func,      /*             Callback function called when iframe loads.          We're simply listening to the iframe's `window.onload`.         To ensure communication code in your iframe is totally loaded,         you can implement a syn-ack TCP-like handshake using `postMessageData` and `handleReceiveMessage`.     */     handleReady: PropTypes.func,          /*         You can pass it anything you want, we'll serialize to a string         preferablly use a simple string message or an object.         If you use an object, you need to follow the same naming convention         in the iframe so you can parse it accordingly.      */     postMessageData: PropTypes.any.isRequired,          /*         Enable use of the browser's built-in structured clone algorithm for serialization         by settings this to `false`.          Default is `true`, using our built in logic for serializing everything to a string.     */     serializeMessage: PropTypes.bool,      /*         Always provide a specific targetOrigin, not *, if you know where the other window's document should be located. Failing to provide a specific target discloses the data you send to any interested malicious site.      */     targetOrigin: PropTypes.string };


The MIT License (MIT) - 2017

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