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React PushState Anchor provides three components for performing client-side push state navigation. There’s no routing or complex state management. 

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React PushState Anchor

What is it?

React PushState Anchor provides three components for performing client-side push state navigation. There's no routing or complex state management. Just three components

<PushStateAnchorProvider />

Wrap your entire application or just the part of the application you want to use pushState in.

<PushStateAnchor />

A replacement for <a> tags that will use history.pushState under the hood.

import { PushStateAnchor as A } from 'react-pushstate-anchor' <A href='/home'>Home</A>

PushStateLocation />

If you're updating history, you'll probably want to know when it's been updated. Use PushStateLocation component to get the current history location object, it'll update whenever a PushStateAnchor is clicked. A utitlity component that will provide the current history location using a render callback.

import { PushStateLocaation } from 'react-pushstate-anchor'  <PushStateLocation>   {location => {     <h1>The current pathname is {location.pathname}</h1>   )} </PushStateLocation>


Install from NPM, react-pushstate-anchor requires the history module as a peer dependency.

yarn add react-pushstate-anchor history


import React, { Component } from 'react' import { PushStateAnchorProvider, PushStateLocation, PushStateAnchor as Psa } from 'react-pushstate-anchor'  class App extends Component {   render() {     return (       <PushStateAnchorProvider>         <h1>Push State Anchor</h1>                 <Psa href='/home'><button>Home</button></Psa>         <Psa href='/about'><button>About</button></Psa>         <Psa href='/careers'><button>Careers</button></Psa>         <PushStateLocation>           {location => (             <h1>{location.pathname}</h1>           )}         </PushStateLocation>       </PushStateAnchorProvider>     )   } }  export default App

react-pushstate-anchor will render a simple <a> anchor tag if JavaScript is unavailable.

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