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A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView.

Others React Native



A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView.


  • Can be used with ViewPager and Listview
  • Custom Styling
  • Supports vertical and horizontal orientation
  • Supports animation between steps

alt tag                    alt tag example/HorizontalStepIndicatorExample.js      example/VerticalStepIndicatorExample.js


$ cd example $ npm i $ react-native run-ios   // For ios $ react-native run-android   // For Android


npm install react-native-step-indicator --save


import StepIndicator from 'react-native-step-indicator';  const labels = ["Cart","Delivery Address","Order Summary","Payment Method","Track"]; const customStyles = {   stepIndicatorSize: 25,   currentStepIndicatorSize:30,   separatorStrokeWidth: 2,   currentStepStrokeWidth: 3,   stepStrokeCurrentColor: '#fe7013',   stepStrokeWidth: 3,   stepStrokeFinishedColor: '#fe7013',   stepStrokeUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',   separatorFinishedColor: '#fe7013',   separatorUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',   stepIndicatorFinishedColor: '#fe7013',   stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor: '#ffffff',   stepIndicatorCurrentColor: '#ffffff',   stepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 13,   currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 13,   stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor: '#fe7013',   stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor: '#ffffff',   stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',   labelColor: '#999999',   labelSize: 13,   currentStepLabelColor: '#fe7013' }   constructor() {     this.state = {         currentPosition: 0     } }  render() {   return (     <StepIndicator          customStyles={customStyles}          currentPosition={this.state.currentPosition}          labels={labels}     />   ) }  onPageChange(position){     this.setState({currentPosition: position}); } //...


Name Type Description Default
currentPosition Number Current position in steps 0
stepCount Number Number of steps 5
direction String Orientation(i.e. horizontal,vertical) horizontal
customStyles Object Custom styling {}
labels Array Labels for each step null
onPress Function (position: Number) Function called when a step is pressed null
renderStepIndicator Function (position: Number, stepStatus: String) Use this to render custom content inside step null
renderLabel Function (position: Number, stepStatus: String, label: String, currentPosition: Number) Use this to render custom label for each step null

Custom Styles

Name Type Default
stepIndicatorSize Number 30
currentStepIndicatorSize Number 40
separatorStrokeWidth Number 3
separatorStrokeUnfinishedWidth Number 0
separatorStrokeFinishedWidth Number 0
stepStrokeWidth Number 0
currentStepStrokeWidth Number 5
stepStrokeCurrentColor String '#4aae4f'
stepStrokeFinishedColor String '#4aae4f'
stepStrokeUnFinishedColor String '#4aae4f'
separatorFinishedColor String '#4aae4f'
separatorUnFinishedColor String '#a4d4a5'
stepIndicatorFinishedColor String '#4aae4f'
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor String '#a4d4a5'
stepIndicatorCurrentColor String '#ffffff'
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize Number 15
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize Number 15
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor String '#000000'
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor String '#ffffff'
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor String 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'
labelColor String '#000000'
currentStepLabelColor String '#4aae4f'
labelSize Number 13
labelAlign String 'center'
labelFontFamily String


If you'd like to see something added or changed to this module please open a new GitHub issue. Pull requests are always welcome.


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