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The React Native Keyboard Manager allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover on React-Native iOS projects.

Others React Native


React-Native Keyboard Manager

Licence MIT npm version npm downloads

Library to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover inputs on React-Native iOS projects ⚛. Thanks to awesome IQKeyboardManager ❤️.

This is only for iOS, Android no needed. For Android just add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" to your activity.


Enabled Disabled
Credits: IQKeyboardManager


Install with react-native link:

  1. Install dependency package

    yarn add react-native-keyboard-manager


    npm i -S react-native-keyboard-manager
  2. Link the native project

    react-native link react-native-keyboard-manager
  3. (Optional) If you want to use Next/Previous buttons, link the IQKeyboardManager resources to your Xcode project.

    1. Open your Xcode project

    2. Got to folder your-project/node_modules/react-native-keyboard-manager/ios/IQKeyboardManager/

    3. Drag and drop the Resources folder to your project root. (If you already have Resources group, drag and drop the IQKeyboardManager.bundle)

    4. In your index.ios.js just call KeyboardManager.setToolbarPreviousNextButtonEnable(true);.

Install with cocoapods:

  1. Install dependency package

    yarn add react-native-keyboard-manager


    npm i -S react-native-keyboard-manager
  2. Add this line to your Podfile (complete Sample):

    pod 'ReactNativeKeyboardManager', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-keyboard-manager'
  3. run

    pod install


It does not need any library setup to work, just install and go.

But, if you need some configuration, there are some options available. (with default values)

import KeyboardManager from 'react-native-keyboard-manager'  KeyboardManager.setEnable(true); KeyboardManager.setEnableDebugging(false); KeyboardManager.setKeyboardDistanceFromTextField(10); KeyboardManager.setPreventShowingBottomBlankSpace(true); KeyboardManager.setEnableAutoToolbar(true); KeyboardManager.setToolbarDoneBarButtonItemText("Done"); KeyboardManager.setToolbarManageBehaviour(0); KeyboardManager.setToolbarPreviousNextButtonEnable(false); KeyboardManager.setShouldToolbarUsesTextFieldTintColor(false); KeyboardManager.setShouldShowTextFieldPlaceholder(true); // deprecated, use setShouldShowToolbarPlaceholder KeyboardManager.setShouldShowToolbarPlaceholder(true); KeyboardManager.setOverrideKeyboardAppearance(false); KeyboardManager.setShouldResignOnTouchOutside(true); KeyboardManager.resignFirstResponder(); KeyboardManager.isKeyboardShowing()   .then((isShowing) => {       // ...   });

If you want to use Next/Previous buttons, enable it and follow install step 3.


If you want to use Next/Previous buttons inside a Modal, you need to wrap the fields in a PreviousNextView.

class App extends Component {   render() {       return (           <View ... >               // others views               <Modal ... >                   // others views                   <PreviousNextView style={...} >                       // all TextInput                   </PreviousNextView>               </Modal>           </View>       )   } }

For more details, see the Sample Project and the official IQKeyboardManager documentation.


New features, bug fixes and improvements are welcome! For questions and suggestions use the issues.

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The MIT License (MIT)  Copyright (c) 2017 Douglas Nassif Roma Junior 

See the full licence file.

IQKeyboardManager License

The MIT License (MIT)  Copyright (c) 2013-16 Iftekhar Qurashi 

See the full IQKeyboardManager licence file.

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